Lemmings and Oh No! More Lemmings Compilations
There are MANY compilations containing just Lemmings and Oh No! More Lemmings. As these two games work together so well, this is hardly surprising. Below, I will show you some of these.
See here for more information on Lemmings and Oh No! More Lemmings
Lemmings and Oh No! More Lemmings
Label: Psygnosis
Released: PlayStation (1998) & Windows 95 (1999)
Platforms: Sony PlayStation & Windows 95
These are modern re-releases of Lemmings and Oh No! More Lemmings. Lemmings & Oh No! for PlayStation was released in 1998, and spent some time in the Australian Top Ten Games.
The Windows 95 version is the 1999 re-release of Lemmings and Oh No! More Lemmings for Windows 95. It's basically the same as the PlayStation packaging.
PlayStation users have wanted a version of Lemmings for PlayStation for a long time. This compilation is an excellent value package that fulfils that requests. Windows 95 users will love the fact that they don't have to fiddle with DOS settings to run Lemmings.
Notes: these versions don't contain the full 220 levels. They leave out all levels with "special features". These include the Lemmings levels "A Beast of a Level", "MENACING !!", "What an Awesome level!" and "A Beast II of a Level" along with the Oh No! level "Introducing SUPERLEMMING!". There are also other levels left out (there aren't four versions of "We All Fall Down" in Lemmings) The Windows 95 release is the same as the one included on the Lemmings Paintball CD-ROM.
Lemmings and Oh No! More Lemmings - Twice the Value, Twice the Fun
Label: Psygnosis
Released: 1992
Platforms: Amiga and PC (MS DOS) (and possibly Atari ST)
This compilation was released around 1992. The package includes both Lemmings and Oh No! More Lemmings and there manuals. It's packaging is a "twist" on the packaging of Lemmings and Oh No!.
There was a single release for the Amiga and various releases for PC. These include a version on PC CD-ROM and versions for both 3.5" and 5.25" floppy disks.
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Lemmings and Oh No! More Lemmings CD-ROM
Label: Aztech New Media Corp
Catalogue Number: ISO-9660-AZ-2246
Released: 1995,1996
Platforms: PC CD-ROM
A plain and simple, "no frills" compilation. There is no packaging, not even a booklet. You just get the CD.
This might sound bad, but you get Lemmings and Oh No! for DOS at a very reasonable price. I paid $20 Australian for my copy.
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Lemmings and Oh No! More Lemmings CD-ROM
Label: Psygnosis
Released: Unknown
Platforms: Macintosh
I don't know too much about this compilation, other than the fact that it contains Lemmings and Oh No! for the Macintosh.
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Lemmings and Oh No! More Lemmings CD-ROM
Label: Various
Released: Various
Platforms: MS-DOS
The CD mentioned above isn't the only one available that contains the full version of both Lemmings and Oh No! More Lemmings for MS-DOS. There are at least 3 other, "no frills", packaging-less CD's available with only these two games. Try looking around for them.
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Double Vision: Lemmings and Oh No! More Lemmings for Windows 95
Label: Double Vision Collection by Gyro Software
Catalogue Number: 1053149
Platforms: Windows 95
A packaged version of just Lemmings and Oh No! for Windows 95. This compilation costs $20 Australian and is a good way to buy these two games for Windows if you don't want Paintball.
Other Lemmings Game Compilations
This next section is smaller, as these compilations are fewer. All these compilations represent excellent value for money.
Lemmings Volume 1-3
Label: CDV Software
Released: 1995?
Games Included: Lemmings, Lemmings 2: The Tribes & The Lemmings Chronicles
Platforms: PC (MS DOS)
This compilation is part of the German software distributor, CDV Software's Neon Edition Series. (3D Lemmings was also released in the Neon Edition Series) As far as I know, the CD only contains, a booklet and a back insert. (In other words, no box)
At 30-40 DM ($16- 22 US), this compilation is fabulous value, considering it would cost you at least twice that much to buy these three games separately.
Lemmings Paintball
Label: Psygnosis
Catalogue Number: 5 016597 017883
Released: 1996
Games Included: Lemmings (Windows 95), Oh No! More Lemmings (Windows 95) & Lemmings Paintball
Platforms: PC CD-ROM (Windows 95)
This is not considered by Psygnosis to be a "compilation". But logically, it is.
This package contains the full version of Lemmings Paintball, along with Lemmings and Oh No! for Windows 95. The Windows 95 versions of Lemmings and Oh No! do not feature all 220 levels featured in the DOS versions.
Lemmings Paintball Bonus Pack
Label: Psygnosis
Released: 1997,1998
Games Included: Lemmings (Windows 95), Oh No! More Lemmings (Windows 95), 3D Lemmings & Lemmings Paintball
Platforms: Windows 95 (3D Lemmings is for MS-DOS)
This compilation is the same as the one above, yet this newer version includes 3D Lemmings along with Paintball and Windows 95 versions of Lemmings and Oh No!.
Compilations Containing Lemmings Games
This section lists compilations that contain other games as well as Lemmings games. There are quite a few such compilations.
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101 Only the Best Games Volume 1
Label: ???
Released: ???
Games Included: Lemmings demo, Xmas Lemmings 1991 and Holiday Lemmings 1993 demo
Platforms: PC (MS DOS)
This compilation is a CD-ROM that contains 101 shareware games and game demos, including the three mentioned above.
Overall, this compilation has a good selection of games and is rather enjoyable to browse through.
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Puzzle Twin Pack
Label: Psygnosis
Catalogue Number: 9 325606 000102
Released: 1999
Games Included: 3D Lemmings
Platforms: Sony PlayStation
3D Lemmings for Sony Playstation WAS quite hard to find for the last year or so. Fortunately, Psygnosis have released this compilation, so PlayStation owners wanting to get their hands on this game can purchase it easily.
This compilation costs $49.95 Australian and also includes Kula World. (Any information on this game?? Anyone??) There is also a Dance Twin Pack, which includes Spice World.
101 Only the Best Games Volume 4
Label: Tech Express
Released: Various
Games Included: 3D Lemmings (Demo)
Platforms: PC
A later volume of the 101 Only the Best Games series (Volume 1 above), this version contains the demo of 3D Lemmings.
101 Only the Best Games Volume 6 & 200 Top Games Volume 2
Label: 101 Only the Best Games Volume 6: Tech Express
Released: Various
Games Included: Holiday Lemmings 1994 (Demo) & The Lemmings Chronicles (Demo)
Platforms: PC
These CD's include the twi demos mentioned above, (I'm not sure, but one of them might include the Paintball demo) along with a myriad of other shareware games/game demos.
I can't remember which demo goes with which CD, so I've put these two compilations into one section.
Fun to Learn
Label: Slash
Released: Unknown
Games Included: Lemmings & Oh No! More Lemmings
Platforms: PC
A 5 CD pack which supposedly makes learning easy. A CD-ROM with both Lemmings and Oh No! is included, along with The Oregon Trail, Muppet - Sound Patterns: More Phonics & Thinking Skills, Kid's Zoo & Welcome to Bodyland.
This compilation is the easiest way to obtain Lemmings and Oh No! for DOS.
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PC Playtime
Label: Unknown
Released: Unknown
Games Included: Lemmings
Platforms: PC
Another 5 CD compilation. One of the CD's contains the full version of Lemmings.
Classics Volume 1
Label: Velocity
Released: Unknown
Games Included: Oh No! More Lemmings
Platforms: PC
This CD contains the full version of Oh No! More Lemmings, along with Spectre and Jetfighter 2.
Sharebert's CD-Rom-Hits 2: Die 50 stärksten DOS-Spiele
Label: Sybex
Released: 1994
Catalogue Number: Sybex 7701
Games Included: Lemmings (demo) & Oh No! More Lemmings (demo)
Platforms: PC
A collection CD from the German software distributor, Sybex. This CD contains the demo of both Lemmings and Oh No! More Lemmings, along with 48 other shareware games/game demos.
In English, the title means "The 50 Greatest DOS games".
Thanks to The World of the Lemmings for this information. |
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Oh No! More ????
Label: Unknown
Released: Unknown
Games Included: Oh No! More Lemmings
Platforms: PC
I saw this compilation in a computer shop about 5 years ago. It's title was something like "Oh No! More Games" or "Oh No! More Fun". The title contained "Oh No! More". I can't remember much about it, besides the fact that it contained the full version of Oh No! More Lemmings.
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Gang Busters 'on the streets' [Vol 2]
Label: Gyro Software for Tandy Electronics
Released: Unknown
Catalogue Number: 261-9704
Games Included: Lemmings and Oh No! More Lemmings
Platforms: PC
This is a compilation that is exclusive to Tandy Electronics. I am not sure whether the Lemmings games included are for Windows or DOS. The fact that the label this compilation is under is Gyro Software makes me think it's for Windows (see above Lemmings - Oh No! Windows Compilation) Yet the screenshots on the box are from the DOS version. If anyone owns this compilation, could you please rectify this.
This compilation cost $49.95 Australian, and also contains the games Enemy Nations, Big Red Racing, Apache Longbow, Hind, Railroad Tycoon, Pro Boxing, TFX and Hooves of Thunder, along with a CD with Windows 95 shareware games.
