You've probably noticed an updated "look" at The LemNet Chronicles. The menu's background colour is red instead of the light blue, the link hover colour is green, the titles are "Christmassy" and the space Lemming at the top has been replaced by a Christmas Lemming.
In other words, The LemNet Chronicles look is based on the theme of Christmas instead of the Space theme.
The purpose of this new look is to celebrate Christmas. This look will be online all of the Christmas season (1st December - 6th January). The signifigance of these dates is that the 1st to the 24th of December is the traditionally accepted time of advent. The 25th December to the 6th January are the Twelve Days of Christmas.
On January 7th 2000 I will either launch a new "look" (probably Beach tribe) or return to the Space tribe "look". What do you want? Do you like the Christmas look? Tell me!