Lem.Net - Information

Lemmings Game Information
The Game : Versions : Skills : Packaging : Screenshots

Lemmings Skills

Decrease Release Rate
This control allows you to decrease the release rate of lemmings on a level until it is equal to or greater than the displayed number, which never changes. The release rate can be made higher, but not lower, than the default release rate at the start of a level.

Increase Release Rate
This control allows you to increase the release rate of lemmings on a level and displays the current release rate. The maximum possible release rate is 99, which results in a rapid stream of lemmings emerging from the hatch. The lowest release rate possible is 01, which results in a lemming emerging every few seconds.

Gives a lemming the ability to climb up vertical objects. This skill stays with a lemming until the end of a level.

A normal lemming can only fall a limited distance without dying. The floater skill gives a lemming the ability to fall any distance safely. This skill stays with a lemming until the end of a level.

A lemming who is selected as a bomber will continue what it is doing for five seconds, at which point it will explode. When a bomber explodes, it removes some of the ground around it, except in the case of steel.

A blocker stands still, holding its arms out. Other lemmings will bounce off a blocker's arms and change the direction they are walking. A blocker's arms are the key to its ability - if a lemming falls between a blocker's arms, it will walk past it.

The builder skill makes one lemming build a bridge of 12 diagonally upwards one pixel steps. The bridge is built in the same direction as the lemming was walking. A builder will stop building if he hits his head or hits a wall and walk in the opposite direction. If a builder hits a blocker, he will turn around and continue building.

Makes a lemming dig horizontally through a surface until he either emerges at the other side, has the ground beneath his feet removed or hits a surface he can't dig through (such as steel). A basher will dig in the direction he was walking.

Makes a lemming dig diagonally downwards until he either emerges at the bottom or hits a surface through which he can't dig. A miner will mine in the direction he was walking.

Makes a lemming dig vertically downwards until he either emerges at the bottom or hits a steel surface. Once finished, a digger will continue walking in its original direction.

This control pauses all lemming activity as well as the clock, allowing the player to examine a level's landscape. This button is also used to resume a paused game.

Causes all the lemmings on a level to continue what they are doing for five seconds before exploding in a spectacular fireworks display. The more lemmings on a level, the more impressive the display will be.

Fast-Forward (Windows 95 Only)
Increases the speed of the clock and lemming activity. The increase amount depends on the speed of the computer.

Skills Toolbars on Other Platforms

Windows 95 Skills Toolbar

Macintosh Skills Toolbar

Amiga Skills Toolbar

Sega Genesis Skills Toolbar

Sega Master System Skills Toolbar

Super Nintendo Skills Toolbar

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