Lem.Net - Information

Game Information

The abbreviations used in the side menus of the Game Information section are explained in the below table. From the side menu you can access comprehensive information on each of the Lemmings games.

Oh No! Oh No! More Lemmings
Xmas 91 Xmas Lemmings (1991 Version)
Xmas 92 Xmas Lemmings (1992 Version)
Holiday 93 Holiday Lemmings 1993
Holiday 94 Holiday Lemmings 1994
Tribes Lemmings 2: The Tribes
Chronicles The Lemmings Chronicles / All New World of Lemmings
Covox 8 Level Lemmings Mini-Game with Covox Level/Save the Lemmings
Companion 16 Level Lemmings Mini-Game included with The Official Lemmings Companion
Paintball Lemmings Paintball
Lomax Adventures of Lomax (PlayStation Title)
Revolution Lemmings Revolution

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