Find the two enemies and shoot them. Take the green balloon - activate the lever. Go further - find a open gate - find the blue balloon - pull the lever and fly to get the flag.
Mayhem 2 - Let's split
Yellow lemming walks to the left to collect time - destroy four enemies and pull the lever. Red walks strait ahead to get flag 1. Orange and blue lemming walk back to the catapult and use it. Orange lemming walks to the flag - gets "caught" - the blue lemming is now able to walk in - activate the lever to get the last flag.
Mayhem 3 - Vortex
Pick the red way with the yellow lemming - after collecting time. Destroy enemy no. 1. Now you have to jump from the red moving platform to the blue route - destroy the enemy and pick the light blue route. Activate lever - makes the walls separate. Destroy the enemy and walk up the stairs. Now the lemming needs help (activate the lever - the stairs will "open"). Red lemming does the same thing - activate the lever- at last the yellow lemming is able to get the flag.
Mayhem 4 - Those magnificent lemmings...
Pick the orange lemming - destroy the enemy. Switch to yellow - take the balloon and fly to activate the gate. Switch to orange who continues and destroys the to enemies - jump down in the area and pull the lever. Switch to yellow who continues to the red balloon (first activate the lever) then fly. Activate the lever and switch to the red lemming to see what will happen. Red walks up on the yellow sloping wall - with help from the yellow lemming the are able to reach the top. Jump down trampoline - and fast down to the area with the lever. Destroy the enemies to get the flag (yellow lemming can help you to destroy the enemies) - activate the lever. Switching from balloon to balloon the blue lemming is able to get the last flag.
Mayhem 5 - Teaching a lemming new tricks
All four start at the star gate. Tree of them are send over by the last one (no. 4), which activate the lever. No. 4 walks to the starting position - down on the blue area and shoots lemming who is
guardian the two levers. First destroy the hostile lemming at land - then you have to carry two lemmings to the other side- by letting lemming no. 3 move from side to side outermost at the pier - that activates the starboat. Lemming no. 2 activates the two levers at land - and walks down on the red "Boat" - by activating the lever the last lemming makes the boat sailing.
Mayhem 6 - A lemming in the works
One lemming walks to the left and cross the floating bridge. Destroys the enemy and takes the secret key and open activate the lever - this will make the wall go down and the lemming is able to return to the starting position. The lemming with the key and other lemming take the trip down the slope -down to the left - in front of the floating bridge. Both lemmings will now be in the gate area - if the two lemmings cooperate one of them are able to get the flag- (note that you have to activate
the lever several times!!). Two lemmings walks in the opposite direction to destroy the five enemies - activate the lever and you have access to a new area - in which you find the flag. Avoid the green squares and the flag is "easy" to get.
Mayhem 7 - Lemmings in the woods
The forest is fenced in - in every corner you find interesting things. At the bottom of the duplicator - in the opposite corner near the two spruces there is a round - the flag is hidden behind (its possible
to get the flag without notice it.) - do some activity near the two spruces and the flag will appear. Uppermost behind the second round tree from the corner and the first round tree from the opposite corner is the flag hidden.
Mayhem 8 - The twelve assassins of lemming
Hide in the corner up against the wall. Activate the first lever several times to shoot a couple of enemies. After that you active the second lever- escape to a corner - to get the flag.
Mayhem 9 - Big trouble in little level
Place the prisoner in a corner. The two other lemmings have to walk on the edge - its only possible to get up from one side. Then both lemmings are standing on the edge (remember to cross the yellow slanting edge)- is its possible to get the two others up on the edge. Destroy the two hostile
lemmings - collect time. Walk to the green area on the opposite side from there you climbed the edge. Place the lemmings on the yellow LEGO - place the two lemmings on the light green squares. Activate the "lever". Jump down on the trampoline to get the flags. Demo !!!
Mayhem 10 - Dead end lemming strikes back
The labyrinth: Let both lemmings walk to the corner farthest away - destroy to enemies. One of them continues around and walks in the second line and back to get the green key. Activate the other lemming walks also to the second line (now there is a route) and around to collect time - two
watches. Activate the lemming with the key - walks back - out in the first line and around after the keys "2". The lemming will search for his pal in the second line. Activate the two gates. The pal walks around the fort there the flag is - will activate a wall - and the key lemming is able to open the last gate to get the flag.
Mayhem 11 - Intersection
Yellow lemming follow the blue line to the platform where four enemies are. Destroy them - you can get help from the purple lemming. (note that everything comes from this platform.) Pick the blue route - destroy the enemy - activate the lever and follow the red route. Put down the two
lemmings who guards the flag. Back to the starting platform. Pick ones again the blue route repeat the same pattern over again. Pick yellow route - destroy the to enemies and activate the two gates - follow red and blue route back to the starting platform. Pick yellow route and repeat the same
pattern. Pick red route - do not activate the gate - but continue along the blue line to get the flag. Repeat the pattern with the last lemming.
Mayhem 12 - all block x
Everyone takes the escalator (lift) - pass the soap bubbles. One of them walks ahead and destroy one hostile lemming - takes the trip up to destroy two enemies and takes the green key. One of the shut up lemmings is now free - and can collect time after destroying the enemy. Open the gate with the green key and activate the green lever . If you place the two lemmings right you are able to get the flags.
Mayhem 13 - Babylem 5
Shut on the wall. Release the first shut up lemmings and destroy them. Walk in to activate the green lever - you have to activate tree on each side.(Shut on the wall) To place the lemmings right in order
to get them out you have to feel ones way. Four lemmings will now walk against the two lemmings who have not done any job jet - destroy them. Walk through enemy land without destroying - straight ahead and shoot at the wall - and then the wall is down ones more. Activate the lever to get
the flags.( You have to active booth )
Mayhem 14 - Lemming aid
To get over the water you have to activate the levers in the right order.
(there may be other solutions!!! )
The place to activate the lever - and the other lemming are able to live the island.
Left middle right
1 2 out 3
4 out 5 out
8 out
11 out
13 out
14 out (at land)
Activate lever - ready for two lemmings to get over - lemming "gets on" and the you activate the lever ones more:
Activate the lonely lemming - and is now ready to cross the water. Take time - fast withdrawal - shoot the enemies - activate the lever. Second lemming activate the 4th. lever and gets ready to force the water.
1 shift
2 shift
3 shift
4 shift
5 shift
6 shift
The flag will disappear - by the 5 shift you walk back to get the flag.
Mayhem 15 - Leap of faith
Start with the red lemming - find the lever and activate it - shift - purple activate the lever and place himself on the moving rock - fly with the red balloon. Collect time - activate the balloon - collect time - shift. Red is continuing around and takes the yellow balloon. Find also the blue balloon - collect time - activate the lever to get the flag. Shift. Purple takes the straight way to the last flag - moving platforms.
Mayhem 16 - Where lemmings dare
Pick the purple route - activate the lever and destroy the three enemies - follow the red route around and pick ones more the purple route - activate the lever and destroy the last three enemies. Activate the lever behind the wall (you will find the wall "page down"). Go back to where you destroyed the three enemies - green route - you will face moving platforms - activate one of the two levers. Activate both lever which were hidden behind the wall. Now you only got one left - when its activated follow the red route - pick yellow route - move through the area until the island -
unfortunately the flag will rise. The fist inactive lemming is able to help. Follow the red route around and you will discover a non before exciting lever - activate this lever to get the flag.
Mayhem 17 - Lemming flambe
Walk down along each gangway and destroy the enemy. Pick the right gangway as the last one. Jump down from the platform - destroy the enemy - jump ones again down from the moving platform - walk around to the blue balloon to get flag no. 1. Walk through the right gangway. Jump down the second time - walk around and jump up on the moving platform -take the red balloon to get flag no. 2. Follow the visible watch - gangway goes down - get help form the last lemming - gangway goes up when the lemming is jumping down on the "caught" lemming. Walk around to find the last flag - do not go the straight way to the flag - take instead the second "drive" - you did it !!!
Mayhem 18 - Nowhere to run
Place the two lemmings near the flag - one of them activate the lever and the last lemming is hidden in the corner - remember all the ammunition.
Mayhem 19 - Lemmings dilemma
Go down the stairs - shoot the visible enemies - go up and shoot the enemy pass the bubble activate the nearest gate - shift - jump down on the stairs and walk to the moving platform - activate the lever twice and walk back - go to the left block - destroy the enemy and activate the farthest gate - shift - jump down on the stairs and take the moving platform - activate the gate twice - shift - get the key - shift - move down to the area with the gate and the two watches. Two lemmings - one takes the moving platform - you get the flag in the water.
Mayhem 20 - The last red lemming connection
Yellow lemming goes to the "waterline" puss blue, purple, red, yellow, blue, purple and red. Shoot the enemies when the comes close to. (note that the last lemming have to wait shooting until the bridge is intact. Pull the lever. Get ready to shoot the enemy - destroy them (remember that the first pier have to be placed first.) Pick the other lemmings - get the flags. Destroy visible enemies before placing them all by the piers. One "flag" lemming is put on land - destroy the last two enemies and help the two lemmings without flag to the land, where the yellow lemming started - find the moving platforms and get the flags.
Mayhem 21 - More lemmings in the woods
Shoot "all" enemies - the key lemming first have to go trough the duplicator. (remember you have to take another lemming up - otherwise it is impossible to get the "rock" down again. One lemming needs to control the lever - when the lemming reach the balloon - go back and the "rock" can go down again. Jump down on the trampoline (do not pick the trampoline in the middle). Do not take the catapult immediately - go back and the rock can come down - help the next lemming over. (note that the "flag" / "key" lemming needs to go back to control the lever. The hostile lemmings which guards the flags and the catapult can be destroyed from the ground. You find the keys at the left side of the stairs - near the balloons and behind the duplicator - you will come across them during the destroying of the enemies - form the time you start to work with the duplicator you need at least 6 minutes !!!
Mayhem 22 - Be careful who you shoot
Take the moving stairs - shoot visible lemming (4*3 block) and pull the lever which makes the platform moving. Sail to get the blue key. Go to the block with the bubble and destroy the lemming. Pull the lever which makes the platform moving and take the trip to the gate - destroy lemming and
sail. Activate the gate three times in a row / or six times to get the flag.