The leader will move off to the right. The next Lemming to follow him should
be made a Blocker. The leader will come upon some bricks. As soon as he picks
them up, have him build a stairway up to the metal platform where the Exit is.
When he's finished building, release the Blocker.
Results: 20 Lemmings Saved.
Shadow 2
This time there are 2 entrances and 2 Exits. As soon as a leader steps out on
either side, make the next Lemming to follow the leaders a Blocker. Each leader
will pickup 16 bricks each. Have each one build stairs toward their respective
Exits. As soon as each is done, release the Blockers.
Results: 20 Lemmings Saved
Shadow 3
The leader will walk to the right and pick up a Sucker tool. When he gets
close to the wall on the right, start click on the left mouse button so he
will use the Sucker tool as soon as he reaches the wall and will climb to
the top. Somewhere along the top make him a Blocker.
Click the right mouse button in space somewhere to highlight the Lemming who
is carrying the Spade tool. When he gets to the wall on the right, have him
dig straight through as far as he can go. While he's digging, release the
Blocker above and let him pick up the Shimmier tool. When he gets near the
right side of the platform, have him Shimmy across to where there's another
Spade tool. When he comes back and drops down to the platform below have him
dig straight towards the Lemmings on the other side.
Results: 20 Lemmings Saved.
Shadow 4
There are 2 trapped Lemmings on the level. Make the first Lemming to follow
the leader, a Blocker. The leader will cross some disintegrating floor to
retrieve a Spade tool. Turn him back to the left as soon as he picks up the
tool so as to evade the Psycho Buzzard. He will drop down and head for a
trapped buddy. When he arrives, have him dig through to rescue him. Highlight
the digger (right mouse button) and make the other Lemming (the one who was
trapped) a Blocker to the left of the digger.
Have the digger go to the extreme right of the platform and stop him while he
is walking to the right. Have him dig straight down and go to the Exit. Now
release the Blocker who was behind him. When he drops to the platform below
turn him to the right and have him go for a swim. When he gets to the other
side he can rescue the second trapped Lemming. As the rescuer walks back and
forth, the floor will gradually disappear allowing the trapped Lemming to
pick up his life preserver and join his rescuer in swimming back to the Exit.
Now release the Block above.
Results: 22 Lemmings Saved
Shadow 5
There's one trapped Lemming and he will have to rescue all the rest. There are
2 entrances. Just let the Lemmings who drop down from the entrances go their
respective ways. As soon the the level begins, turn the trapped Lemming back to
the left where he will pick up a Bomb. When he's about in the middle of the
platform underneath, have him place the Bomb and get out of the way. When the
Bomb explodes it'll open a nice hole in the floor which he will drop through
where he'll find a Spade tool. Highlight him in Red so you can pick him out
from the others he is about to join. Have him dig through the obstacle on the
left, then dig through the wooden post below. Everyone will head for the Exit.
Results: 23 Lemmings Saved
Shadow 6
This level consists mainly of switching from one tool to the next as the leader
will have more of everything than he really needs. The leader will walk to the
right (as usual). The 2nd Lemming will walk left. Make him a Blocker well back
from the left edge of the landing platform. The 3rd Lemming will walk right
and should be made a Blocker on the right side of the lower wooden platform.
Turn the leader back to the left where he'll pick up a Spade tool. Have him
dig through the post ahead of him. When he starts digging he won't stop until
the 2nd post is gone. Have him dig through the 3rd post, but as soon as he
does, click on him and change his direction back to the right before he can
dig through the 4th post and disappear off to the left.
When he gets back out aways from the 2 wooden platforms, turn him back to the
left and have him Drop the Spade tool. He'll continue left and pick up both
Shimmier tools. When he gets back to the water pool, have him Shimmy across
and when he drops down to the platform, have him immediately Drop the Shimmy
tool and pick up the bricks. Now turn him back to the left and have him
build a bridge across the water. When he's done, turn him back to the right
and release the Blocker on the lower platform. Then when you release the
Blocker on the landing area, he will take one step to the left before you can
turn him around and head for the Exit.
Results: 23 Lemmings Saved.
Shadow 7
The Mole plays a major part in this level. The 2nd Lemming out of the entrance
will become the leader. The next Lemming to follow him should be made a
Blocker before he steps out over the pit where the Mole is. The leader will
go pickup some bricks and return. When he reaches the Blocker he'll turn back
to the right and fall down into the pit. All he needs do is stack some bricks
against the right wall of the pit and let the Mole go to work (Moles hate
bricks). With any luck at all, the Mole will free up several Spade tools and
maybe even the trapped Lemming down in the right hand corner. If not, the
leader can free him by dropping his bricks and picking up all the Spade tools
that are available. As soon as he is freed, the leader needs to go over to
the left side and dig straight down at the thinnest point. The trapped
Lemming will be following along. He may have picked up the bricks dropped by
the leader. If so, when the leader drops to the level below, make him a
Have the Lemming with the Bricks Jump over the Blocker and head for the
pool of water. He should build a bridge across the pool of water and head for
the Exit. Release both Blockers.
If for some reason the Lemming who is not the leader does not pick up the
bricks Dropped by the leader, then he will pick up the Shimmier tool below
after the leader is made a Blocker. Once again, have him Jump over the
leader and Shimmy across the pool of water, Drop the Shimmier tool and pick
up some bricks, and go back to the left to build the brick bridge.
Results: 24 Lemmings Saved
Shadow 8
The first Lemming to follow the leader to the right should be made a Blocker.
The leader will pick up an umbrella and drop down on the right side of the
water pool below. He will pick up a Swim Ring. Turn him back to the left and
have him swim across. On the other side, he'll pick up some bricks and return
to the water pool. Have him build a bridge across (he will need 6 bricks).
When he reaches the gap ahead, have him use his last 2 bricks to build a
stairway at an up-angle (NE). As soon as he lays the 2nd step, have him get
across by Jumping. At the top, he will pickup some more bricks. Turn him
around to the left and have him build a stairway to the next platform above.
(He'll need to use at least 7 bricks). When he is up on the platform above,
if he used only 7 bricks, have him Drop the remaining one and pickup the
Spade tool and dig straight ahead 4 times, then at an up-angle (NW) for the
last 4 scoops. He will go on to pick up the bricks ahead after which he
will need to build a small bridge. When he's done, turn him back to the
right and free the Blocker.
Results: 24 Lemmings Saved.
Shadow 9
There are 2 trapped Lemmings.
As soon as the level starts, go to the trapped Lemming to the left of the
water pool and make him a Blocker deep under the overhang. Do likewise with
the Lemming trapped above.
Now go to the entrance on the right and make the Lemming who follows the
leader, a Blocker. The leader will proceed across a wavy disintegrating bridge.
When he gets to the far left there's a grey rock in the platform. Have him
walk back and forth several times until the rock is "worn" away. He will
walk up the stairs and pickup some bricks. Have him build some stairs up
to the platform above and to his right (use no more than 4 bricks). When he
reaches the gap at the top of the platform, have him Jump over and continue
up the stairs. When he drops off the end of the stairs, turn him him around
to the left to where the trapped Lemming is. Have him use one brick to get to
get out.
He'll drop down and walk towards the Blocker. Let him turn around to the left
and start heading for the gap where the worn-away stone was.
Before he gets there, turn him back to the right. He'll drop down to where the
trapped Lemming is waiting and walk out to the next bag of bricks. As soon as
he picks them up, have him build to the right (it'll take 9 bricks). When the
bridge is complete, turn him back to the left and make him a Blocker in the
middle of the bridge. Release the trapped Lemming above and the Blocker holding
back the rest of the gang. As soon as everyone is moving right to the Exit,
release the Blocker in the middle of the bridge and make sure he goes towards
the Exit. Release the trapped Lemming under the overhang and have him jump over the small gap to get to the bridge, then have
the gap and go on to the Exit.
Results: 26 Lemmings Saved.
Shadow 10
There's one trapped Lemming.
There are also 2 entrances. Start at the right entrance and make the leader a
Blocker at the right edge of the landing platform. Go immediately to the left
entrance and make the 2nd Lemming a Blocker at the left edge of the landing
platform. A Lemming on each landing platform will pick up a Bomb.
Now click out in space using the right mouse button so as to highlight the
Lemming with the Bomb on the left. Make him a Blocker next to the wooden post.
Set up another Blocker next to the one on the left edge of the left platform
(3 blockers on the left platform; one Blocker on the right platform).
Release the outside Blocker on the left. He will drop to the left and turn
back to the right. Have him Jump over to the middle platform where he will
pick up a Shimmier tool. As soon as he has it, make him Shimmy to release
2 sets of bricks and a Spade tool. Have him continue to the right and Drop
the Shimmier tool off the edge of the platform. Turn him around to the left
and have him pick up bricks. With the bricks he should close off all gaps
on the left and right sides of the center platform. When he is done, have him
Drop the bricks and go get the Spade tool. He should be moving left at this
time. Have him dig at a down-angle to the left (SW) from the spot where he
picked up the Spade tool.
As he starts to dig, go up and release the Blocker on the left landing
platform who is carrying the Bomb. When he is walking left, turn him back to
the right and have him place the Bomb next to the wooden post. (He will turn
and walk off to his left). Turn him back to the right when he gets near the
edge of the landing platform. A hole will have been opened with the Bomb's
explosion. He will Drop down and pick up 2 sets of Bricks. As soon as he
picks up the 2nd set, have him start stacking bricks straight up next to
the wooden post. When he has stacked all 16 bricks, he will drop off to his
right and walk across the disintegrating roof where he will pick up the Spade
tool and drop down to join the trapped Lemming. Have him dig straight down
on the right side of the enclosure to free both of them. Make sure both go
down the stairs to the Exit. You should have about 1 and 1/2 minutes
remaining on the clock when done.
Results: 27 Lemmings Saved
Shadow 11
Time is a potential enemy here. When the Leader drops from the entrance and
walks to the right, he will pick up a Shimmier tool. The 2nd Lemming will drop
and walk left. Make him a Blocker just as he walks left and clears the landing
Now go back to the leader. When he drops down to the next platform, turn him
back to the left and have him Shimmy across to the left underneath the landing
platform. He will stop shimmying just in time to drop down and pick up some
bricks. The moment he starts shimmying across, forget him and concentrate on
the Lemmings coming behind him. Make the first Lemming behind him a Blocker on
the small shelf just below where the leader jumped up to start Shimmying.
Return to the landing platform and as soon as the last Lemming has landed and
is walking to the right, release the Blocker just to the left of the landing
area. He will move left and also pick up a Shimmying tool. Have him Shimmy
across to the left where he will pick up a Sucker tool. Have him climb up to
the left. When he turns back to the right, have him Jump across to the platform
with another Shimmying tool. (Look for opportunties to make him Jump in order
to hasten his trip, instead of just walking). Have him shimmy across to the
platform on the right where he will pickup some bricks.
Turn him back to the left and let him drop down to the landing platform. When
he gets to the left end of the landing platform, have him lay a single brick
and continue to the left where he should lay 2 more bricks. Make him stop
laying bricks and get him down to the next shelf below. When he turns back to
the right, have him lay just one more brick, then turn him back to the left
and quickly Drop the bricks. When he turns to the right, he will pick up the
Spade tool.
Let him continue down to where he will join the brick layer. Underneath them
is a "store." Have the digger dig down just to the right of the peak of the
store. When he falls through and moves right, make him a Blocker before he
can drop off the roof. The brick layer will follow; have him Jump over the
digger and when he gets down to the rocks, have him build a stairway at a
down-angle (SE). When he is over the Exit platform, have him stop building
stairs and start him towards the Exit.
Go back and release the Blocker on the Store roof and go up and release
the other Blocker.
Results: 27 Lemmings Saved.
Shadow 12
Time is not a problem on this level. A post splits the landing area. Half will
go to the right and half to the left. When the 1st Lemming to walk to the right
lands and moves off aways, make him a Blocker. The 1st Lemming to move off to
the left should be allowed to go unhindered. The 2nd Lemming to go to the left
should be made a Blocker when he moves a few steps away from the post.
The Leader on the left will pick up a Swimming tool and cross the 1st pool of
water, then another Swimming tool and cross the 2nd pool of water. As soon as
he can pickup the 2 brick tools, turn him back to the right and have him build
bridges over both water pools. Then have him Drop the bricks and turn back to
the left. When he drops down to the next platform, turn him back to the right
and he will pick up a Grenade. As soon as he picks it up, have him toss it and
make him a Blocker. When the Grenade explodes and blows a hole in the platform,
release the Blocker and let him drop down to the platform with a hole in it
then on to the platform below. When he is underneath the platform on the right,
make him a Blocker.
Now go back and release the Blocker on the right side of the landing platform
and immediately make the first Lemming to trail behind into a Blocker. The
Leader on the right will eventually pick up some bricks. Have him build a
bridge across the gap ahead of him, then have him drop his bricks. Go release
both blockers back on the landing platform.
The first Lemming to reach the bottom who is carrying no tools will pick up
the Hadokens. Be sure he gets out in front of everyone else and when he is
ahead of everyone and on the right side of the mine train car, have him kill
the Potato Beast. As soon as everyone has past the last Blocker, release him
and make sure he goes to the left.
Results: 27 Lemmings Saved
Shadow 13
This level has a Lemme Fatale and a Mole, both of whom will not figure
into the action. (The Mole falls off the left end of the map and you can hear
the "splash" he makes).
Let the Leader walk unhindered to the right. Make a Blocker out of the next
Lemming to follow him (on the right side of the landing area). After the Leader
picks up some bricks, he will need to either stack 2 of them down at the left
end of the train engine or build 2 steps. As soon as he has laid 2 bricks, have
him Drop the rest of them and pick up the Sucker tool. Have him use the
Sucker tool to get over the metal blocks ahead. He will then pick up another
Sucker tool. Have him climb over wooden crates. When he is down on the platform
and clear of the Spade tools, have him Drop the bricks, then turn him back
to the right. He will pickup the Spade tools. Have him starting digging to the
right until he runs out of Spade tools.
Let him pick up all the Bricks that are available. There will be a hole over
his head and to the right which he can stack bricks through to get off the
platform. Have him build a stairway to the right to get back up on the train
engine. When he is back near the right end of the engine, have him build a
stairway back up to the landing platform. As soon as he completes the
stairway, release the Blocker. When the Leader and the rest of the gang have
passed one another, make the trailing Lemming into a Blocker. Now have the
Leader build a short set of stairs up to the object on the left, then another
set down to the Exit. Release the Blocker.
Results: 27 Lemmings Saved.
Shadow 14
There will be no Blockers set in this level. When the Leader lands and walks
down the steps, have him Jump across the small gap and start up to the right.
All the rest of the Lemmings will drop down to a large rock. Turn one of them
back to the left to pick up the Spade tool.
Now go to the right near the Exit platform where there is a Brick tool waiting.
The leader will eventually arrive. The moment he picks up the bricks, have him
change direction back to the left and build a bridge across the gap over the
pool of water below. When he turns back to the right, have him use his last
few bricks (4) to build a bridge over to the Exit platform. Make sure he waits
until the formerly trapped Lemming has passed him going uphill to the left
before he builds the stairs or bridge.
Next, go to where all the other Lemmings are and click the right mouse button
to locate the Lemming with the Spade tool. Have him dig through the wall
on the right on the same level as the bridge on the other side of the wall.
Everyone will reach the Exit safely.
Results: 28 Lemmings Saved.
Shadow 15
The entrance in this level is over on the left side. There are 2 trapped
Lemmings - one over on the right where he will pick up some bricks, and one
on the top platform where he will pick up a Spade tool.
Start by making the Leader who drops from a entrance a Blocker just to the
right of the entrance. Go make the trapped Lemming on the right side a Blocker
after he picks up the bricks, but before he can get back down the steps.
After the Lemming on the top platfrom picks up the Spade tool, turn him around
to the right. When he is near the steps on the right, have him dig straight
down. When he is next to the 2 wooden posts on the right, have him dig straight
down once more. When he lands, have him cut steps at an up-angle (NE) so the
trapped Lemming can get out when he needs to. When he is finished, turn him
back to the left.
When he gets downstairs, have him dig straight down again between the Lemming
"Zapper" on the left and the Exit on his right. He will continue to the left
after he drops down. When he gets to the wooden post on the left, have him dig
at an up-angle (NW) to free the Spade tool. Quickly turn him back to the right
before he can continue to the left. Have him take a few steps then turn him
back to the left. When he reaches the place where he took out the wooden post,
have him cut some steps at a down-angle (SW) to the left. After the steps are
cut, turn him back to the right and go to the Exit.
Release the other trapped Lemming up on the right. When he gets down to the
platform where the Exit is, turn him around to the right. Go up and release
the Blocker on the landing platform.
Results: 30 Lemmings Saved.
Shadow 16
There are 2 trapped Lemmings to rescue on this level. There are also 2
entrances - one on each side.
When the Leader from the left entrance drops down to the right, turn him
around and make him Jump over the get the Spade tool. The next Lemming to
follow him should be made a Blocker just to the right of the small gap that
the Leader Jumped over.
Go over to the right and when the Leader from the right entrance picks up the
Sucker tool several platforms down, make him a Blocker. Next, make both
trapped Lemmings Blockers where they cannot interfere with the Leader. Have
the Leader dig through the wooden post, then the wooden crates. Turn him
back to the left. When he is out in the clear over the platform that has some
bricks on it, have him dig straight down before he gets to the bricks. When
he lands he will go left and pick up the bricks. As soon as he does, turn
him back to the right and have him build a bridge to close the gap over to
the Leader from the right platform. Have him Drop the bricks. When he gets
down to the bottom, he will pick up another Spade tool. Have him dig through
the wooden post that leads to the Exit. Now go back and release all Blockers.
Results: 32 Lemmings Saved.
Shadow 17
There are no trapped Lemmings. But there are several traps for the unwary.
Let the Leader go and make the next Lemming to walk to the right a Blocker
just to the right of the entrance, leaving as much space on the right side
of the landing platform as is possible. Now catch up with the Leader. He
will have picked up a Spade tool and walk to the right. When he gets over to
where there are some stones blocking his way, have him dig straight to the
right. When he breaks through in the middle and gets to the where he is
blocked again, have him dig at an up-angle to the right (NE). When he comes
out, have him Drop the Spade tool. He will go on to pick up the Bricks ahead.
When he turns back to the left and is back down on the stones, have him build
a bridge over to the left. When he gets clear back to the left there is a
small hole that must be covered with a single brick before he can continue.
When he gets up the short hill, have him stack bricks straight up just to the
right of the landing platform. Stop him from laying bricks when he is 1 or 2
shy of the level of the landing platform and let him walk left. When he is
next to the Blocker, have him build stairs up to the right (some steps will
have to be double steps). When he completes the steps, have him Drop the bricks
as he starts back down the stairs. Quickly turn him back to the right and he
will pick up the Spade tool. When the Potato Beast is walking away from him,
have him dig through the post, Drop the Spade tool and pick up the Hadoken tool
and kill the Beast. He will continue to the right to pick up some more bricks.
After he picks them up, get him in position to build stairs up to the Exit.
Go back and release the Blocker.
Results: 32 Lemmings Saved.
Shadow 18
To be successful with this level you need to try and rescue at least 4
Lemmings. (If you cannot rescue at least 4 Lemmings, you will face tougher
problems in rescuing Lemmings in some of the later levels).
When the Leader drops from the entrance, let him walk right and pass a Lemming
who has just picked up a grenade on his way to the left. Make the Leader a
Blocker. Highlight the Lemming with the grenade by marking him in Red.
Immediately center your attention on the 2 platforms above the entrance.
Quickly make Blockers out of each Lemming who is moving left on these 2
platforms. Now release the Blocker on the lower of the 2 platforms and turn
him around to the right. When he gets to the right end and turns back to the
left, let him walk 2 or 3 steps and have him toss a grenade to the left.
Quickly make him a Blocker so he won't wander off. The grenade should stop
rolling very near the left edge of the actual platform. (If it overshoots or
doesn't get close enough, you'll need to press Esc and try again). You'll
know if it landed correctly if the Lemming to the left of the platform is
able to walk out on to the platform.
Release the Blocker who threw the grenade and when he is about 2/3 of the way
between the right end of the platform and the metal blocks above and below him,
have him toss another grenade. This grenade should land off the platform but
right next to it. This will create an opening to the platform below. Make
both Lemmings on this platform, Blockers, before they can drop down to the next
Now go to the next platform down (but still above the Entrance) and release
the Blocker. Have him walk to the right and when he turns around to the left,
let him take 2 or 3 steps, then toss a grenade to the left. Again, it should
land very close to the left end of the platform (same as before) so that the
Lemming down and to the left will be able to walk out. When he is out a little
ways, make him a Blocker. Let the grenade tosser turn back to the right off the
Blocker and when he is under the first metal blocks above his head (the ones
nearest to the left end of the platform. Have him toss a grenade to the right.
This grenade should land right next to the wooden post at the right end and
make an opening. Quickly release the Blockers above and the Blocker on this
As each Lemming goes out to the right and drops down to the bottom platform,
have him Jump to the right to avoid the Psycho Buzzard if it is near.
Now quickly locate the Bomb carrier (he should still be marked in red). Turn
him back to the right. When he is on top of a small wooden segment of the
floor directly beneath the entrance, have him toss a grenade to the right. It
should end up next to the wooden post. As soon as it explodes, release the
Blocker. When each Lemming gets to the end of any protection overhead, have
him Jump to the right just before he steps out where the Buzzard can get him.
After all Lemmings have entered the Exit, nuke the level or wait for time to
run out. (There won't be many seconds on the clock).
Results: 37 Lemmings Saved.
Shadow 19
There are four trapped Lemmings on this level. You should be able to rescue all
of them with time to spare.
When the Leader starts to the left, make the 2nd Lemming into a Blocker.
The Leader will drop down at the left end of the platform and walk down a rock
ramp to his right. After he picks up the 1st Bomb, make him turn back to the
left, then have him place the Bomb. He will continue walking back up the rock
ramp. Make him a Blocker until after the Bomb explodes, then release him to go
on to the Exit.
Release the Blocker above and have 1 of the Lemmings Jump over the gap to the
left. When he picks up a Bomb, have him turn back to the right and place the
Bomb close to the wooden post. He will turn back to the left and start picking
up more Bombs. When he gets up on to the rock pile, have him place one Bomb
at the thinnest thickness in the rock pile. Let him go on and make him a
Blocker away from the Bomb until it explodes. After it does, release him and
have him place one more Bomb, again at the thinnest point. Let him proceed a
few steps and make him a Blocker again. As soon as it goes off, release the
Blocker and let the trapped Lemmings go on their way. Have the Leader, turn
back to the left and place one more Bomb on the floor where the trapped
Lemmings were walking back and forth. After the explosion, have the Leader
Drop his remaining Bomb tools. He should go back to the left and fall down onto
the roof of the hut where there are some Spade tools. Have him pick up both
Spade tools, then turn him around to the right to drop off the roof.
Now have him dig left through the wall of the hut to free the trapped Lemming.
When he goes back to the right, have him dig straight down through the floor.
When he is at the left edge of the hut below have him dig through its side to
free the last Lemming, then dig through the 2 remaining posts on the right to
gain access to the Exit.
Results: 41 Lemmings Saved.
Shadow 20
There is one trapped Lemming in this level and he can be rescued.
When the lead Lemming drops down from the entrance and walks to the right, make
him a Blocker just to the right of the landing point. The 2nd Lemming will walk
to the left. When he drops down onto the train engine below, make him a block
on the 1st metal band next to the drop point. Quickly go back up and have a
Lemming Jump over the to cab of the engine, then Jump again off the cab. He
will continue until he drops into a notch where there are some bricks.
Go down to the bottom platform and make the trapped Lemming into a Blocker away
from the wooden post on his right. Now go up to the landing platform and click
on the Walking Use skill twice to free the Blocker and turn him back to the
left so he can join his friends down on the engine.
Go over to the Lemming who is waiting with his bricks. Have him stack 2 bricks
to free himself, then on the right, he will need one more brick
placed at an up-angle to the right (NE) to get up on the engine cab. Make him
Jump over his waiting buddies. Next have him use 3 bricks to get up on the
engine's smoke stack, then 2 more bricks to close the gap over to the platform
where there's an umbrella. Make sure the Psycho Buzzard is not an immediate
threat before laying these last 2 bricks.
He will pick up the umbrella and drop down to the bottom platform where he will
start walking to the right. Turn him back to the left. Have him Jump over the
1st Lemming Zapper below the floor. He will pick up a Bomb. Have him Jump
over the 2nd Zapper. Just before he gets to the wooden post ahead, have him
place the Bomb so it is next to the wooden post. Before it goes off, he will
turn around and pick up both sets of bricks. After he does, have him Jump
across both Zappers, then make him a Blocker just before he gets to the Exit.
Now go back and release the trapped Lemming and make sure he Jumps across both
Zappers then over the Blocker near the Exit. Release the Blocker and make sure
he goes to the left. Have him start stacking bricks on the left side of the
shaft he dropped through earlier. When he is done, he will drop off and go to
the Exit.
When the Buzzard is out of the way, release the Blocker on the engine and
everyone else will go on to the Exit.
Results: 42 Lemmings Saved.
Shadow 21
Make the first Lemming out, a Blocker just to the right of the landing point.
Be sure to leave enough room on the right side of him for another Lemming.
The 2nd Lemming will pick up the bricks in the left corner. Have him Jump over
the Blocker. Then have him stack 3 bricks straight up. On the 3rd brick,
change his direction to the right so he will step up on the mining car
platform. After he's gone a few steps, turn him back to the left and have him
Jump back in with his friends. Release the Blocker. Have the leader add one
brick at the base of the previous bricks so everyone can leave.
When the lead Lemming (not the brick layer) is about halfway between the 1st
2 crates, make him a Blocker. Have the brick layer Jump over him. As soon as
he has dropped down to where the Spade tool is, have him Drop the bricks and
go pick up the Spade tool. When he comes back to the left have him quickly
Drop the Spade tool to the left of the where the bricks are. He will pick up
the Bricks. Have him stack 2 bricks next to the crate on the right. When he
turns back to the left, have him Drop the bricks and pick up the Spade tool.
When he is up next to the stone wall, have him dig at an up-angle (NE) to the
right. When he comes out on top, he will pick up the Shimmier tool. When he
turns around to the left, have him Shimmy across to the left. As he is
doing so, go quickly and release the Blocker down below.
When the leader picks up more bricks, turn him around to the right and have
him build a stairway (4 bricks only) up to the right to the next platform.
When the bricks have been laid, turn him back to the left. When he is at the
bottom of the stairs, have him Drop his bricks and go pick up the Bomb in the
corner. When he is a step away from the wooden post up the stairs, have him
place his Bomb so it sits right next to the post. Then turn him back to the
left to get his bricks again. Turn him around to the right.
When he walks beyond the hole blown out by the Bomb, let him take only a few
steps, then turn him around to the left. When he is one step removed from the
side of the platform above his head, make him a brick layer. When the Psycho
Buzzard has just started to the right of him, have him stack all his bricks
straight up (he must leave a one brick gap between him and the platform). When
he has laid his last brick (he will be even with the platform), have him Jump
over onto the platform.
Now he will go to the left and pick up some Sucker tools. After he does, make
him a Blocker until the Buzzard has started to the right again. He will
drop down the shaft between the platform and the bricks and go to the left.
When he gets over to the metal wall, have him climb it.
When he gets to the top, have him immediately Drop his Sucker tool and go
over and pick up the bricks. There are 3 metal blocks that make up the top of
the platform. Have him lay his first brick at the right end of the 1st metal
block on the left. He will use 7 bricks. When he gets to the platform where
his bricks are taking him, have him Drop his last brick just beyond the 2
Bombs that are up there.
He will pick up a Spade tool. Have him dig straight down and fall through to
where the trapped Lemming is. Get ready to have him dig through the wooden
post on the right. But wait until the Buzzard has turned back to the right.
When the leader gets down to the low spot in the platform where the Bomb
carved out a small crater, have him dig straight down. Make sure the formerly
trapped Lemming turns back to follow the leader.
When the leader gets back to the stone wall near the Exit, have him dig
through to the right. And when he is next to the Exit, have him dig right
once more.
Results: 43 Lemmings Saved.
Shadow 22
With all the Psycho Buzzards flying back and forth, the first priority is to
seek safe haven for everyone. As each Lemming drops from the entrance, they
alternately go right and left. For this level, you must not let any of them
go to the left. Lemmings 2,4,6,8, and 10, must be turned to the right as soon
as they land and look around before moving. As soon as you see that look to
the right and left, click on numbers 2,4,6,8,10 only, to force them to the
On the wood-carrying car just ahead of the one with the Bricks on it are 2
small platforms. As each Lemming gets to the right side of the 2nd platform
(the closest one to the engine), make him a Jumper. The last Lemming will not
have to Jump at that point. Instead, have him Jump when he is at the right end
of the car over to where the bricks are. After he picks up the bricks have him
Jump on to the back of the engine cab. Let him go collect the rest of the
bricks and when he gets back next to the front of the cab, have him stack 3
bricks straight up, then right over to the smoke stack, then continue to the
right over to the wooden post next to where the trapped Lemming is. When he
gets to that post, have him start stacking bricks straight up next to the
post. If the highest Buzzard is closing in from the left, have him pause until
the Buzzard is past him going left. Have him continue until he runs out of
bricks then he will step to the right. Have him walk back and forth over the
disintegrating stones until he drops down and can start picking up the Spade
If he doesn't get them all, then have him dig either right or left once to
collect all the Spade tools. Make sure he is flagged in Red and have him dig
straight down to join the trapped Lemming. Wait once more until the lower
2 Buzzards are moving to the left, then have him dig left to free himself and
his friend. When both get near the back end of the engine cab, have each Jump
across to the car behind the engine, then drop down where everyone else is
waiting. Have the Digger start digging to the left. When he gets to the
rocks, you will have to start him digging again to the left.
Results: 44 Lemmings Saved.
Shadow 23
At first glance, it looks as if they put the bricks on the wrong side of the
gap. There are 2 entrances (upper and lower). Go immediately to the lower
entrance and when the first Lemming drops down, mark him in Red. He will
collect all the Hadokens. As soon as he gets down to the floor, have him shoot
both Potato Beasts. Make the leader a Blocker.
Go quickly to the top platform and make the leader there a Blocker before he
reaches the Spade tools. Have any Lemming Jump over him and pick up the Spade
tools. When he gets to the right end of the platform, have him Drop the Spade
tools over the edge and turn him back to the left. When he has walked a few
steps, make him a Blocker.
Go down to the bottom floor and have any Lemming Jump over the Blocker. If it
is the Red Lemming then have him Drop his last Hadoken. He will go on to pick
up the Spade tools dropped from on high. When he gets to the barrier ahead,
have him dig down at an angle (SE) until he is under the platform he left, then
have him dig to the right (E), then when he is beyond the end of the barrier,
have him dig at an up-angle (NE). When he is out on the platform again, have
him Drop the Spade tool. He will pick up the Shimmier tool ahead. After he
walks a couple steps, turn him back to the left and have him Shimmy across the
gap left by the digging. If you started him at the right place, he will drop
down just before the Sucker tool.
As soon as he picks up all the Sucker tools, have him start climbing. As soon
as he gets up to the next platforms, click on him again to continue his climb.
When he reaches the top, then have him Drop his Sucker tool and go on to pick
up the Bricks. When he's at the edge of the gap ahead, have him build a bridge
straight across. Immediately turn him back to the right when he finishes.
When he drops all the way down to the bottom, have him Drop his bricks. When he
picks up the Spade tool he left, turn him back to the left. When he gets
back on the other side of the barrier, let him walk out on the gray surface a
few steps, then have him Drop the Spade tool and go back after the bricks.
When he returns, have him build a stairway up to the trapped Lemming. When he
turns around, have him Drop any remaining bricks and go back after the Spade
tool. When he gets back up the stairs next to the barrier, have him dig at
an up-angle (NE) until he frees the trapped Lemming. Turn the digger around
as soon as the trapped Lemming is free. When the digger starts to walk down
stairs, have him dig straight down at the top of the stairs.
Now go release all Blockers.
Results: 45 Lemmings Saved.
Shadow 24
Once again, time will be a factor here. The Lemmings will land on a small
landing platform. The 2nd Lemming out will start to the left, make him a
Blocker before he can drop off the platform. Immediately go down and make the
lead Lemming a Blocker underneath the landing platform. As soon as all the
Lemmings have landed and dropped down to the right, release the Blocker on
the landing platform; make sure he goes to the left.
He will drop down 2 levels and turn right. Have him Jump across the small
gap. He will pick up a Shimmier tool. Have him Shimmy across the large gap.
As he does so, a lot of bricks will drop farther down. After he has completed
his crossing and dropped to the platform, turn him around and let him drop
down to pick up all the bricks. When he is back on the right side of the pit,
have him stack straight up next to the wooden post. Have him stop stacking
two bricks shy of the platform and turn him to the right. As soon as he steps
up on the platform, turn him back to the left and have him lay 4 bricks
straight to the left. Stop him again by turning him back to the right.
After he's gone a couple of steps, turn him around to the left again and have
him Jump over the gap he left. When he gets to the small gap over by the left
wall, have him lay 2 bricks across it. Now turn him around to the right and
have him Jump over the gap again that he left earlier. When he's walked a
couple of steps, turn him back to the left and have him start stacking bricks
again straight up from the left end of the incomplete brick bridge that he
built. While he's building it, go release the Blocker underneath the landing
When the brick layer lays his last brick he will be 2 bricks shy of the
platform above and will have become a walker again. Click on him once to turn
him to the right. He will walk out across a disintegrating bridge and pick up
a Spade tool. After he picks it up, he will drop down to the enclosure where
there is a trapped Lemming. Let the leader continue across the roof of the
enclosure, but turn him back to the left before he can drop off on the right.
He will drop down where the trapped Lemming is. Have him dig through the post
on the left to free the trapped Lemming. The leader will go ahead to the left
where you should make him a Blocker. The formerly trapped Lemming will come
out and pick up a Sucker tool. Have him climb the remaining post of his former
enclosure. When he drops down to the right of that enclosure, have him Jump
immediately to the right. He will land on a platform with some bricks on it.
(The bricks that were on the disintegrating platform from which he Jumped will
land safely below on another platform).
Have the Lemming Drop his Sucker tool and pickup the bricks. When he is walking
left after having picked up the bricks, have him Jump off the end of the
platform to the platform below. Immediately turn him to the right and have him
lay 2 bricks to the right, then change his direction to the left and
have him build a bridge straight left from his platform. He will drop
down on the other side and pick up more bricks. At this time have him build
stairs up to the right starting from the wooden post. He will lay only 4 bricks
so you will have to have him add another brick to the last brick he laid.
Now quickly go release the Blocker above (the original leader) and have him
dig down through the brick bridge above where the other Lemmings are waiting.
When he gets down to the bottom, have him dig through to the right so everyone
can go on to the Exit.
Results: 46 Lemmings Saved.
Shadow 25
The 2nd Lemming to land will walk left and pick up a Shimmier tool. Mark him
in red asap. When he turns around to the right, have him Shimmy across to the
right starting at the first load of bricks above. As soon as you get him
started, ignore him. As soon as you see a Lemming start to pick up some bricks
that landed at the right end of the landing platform, mark that Lemming in red
and click on his Use skill to turn him back to the left. When he is in the
left corner of the landing platform, make him a Blocker.
If there's enough time, set a Blocker at the right end of the landing platform.
Now you must locate the Lemming carrying a Spade tool. Click on the right
mouse button in space until you see the Spade tool icon show up below in the
Use skill box. Isolate as many Lemmings behind him as you can by setting up
a Blocker behind him when he gets to one side or the other of the platform he
is on. There isn't much time, so if you don't isolate him from everyone,
have him dig straight down through the platform. Whatever number of Lemmings
follow him, when they're all down there with him, reverse the direction of
the digger and quickly set another Blocker so he is alone. If you aren't
able to do this quickly, then restart the level.
Have the digger dig straight down once more. Near the left end of this
platform is a disintegrating floor block. As soon as he walks across it
once, it will disappear, turn him back so he can drop through the opening.
On either side of him are Lemming Zappers. Quickly walk him back to where he
landed before he gets "zapped." He will drop through to the bottom platform.
When he gets to the post on the right, have him dig through it. Have him dig
through the next 2 posts on the right. In the process he will free a Lemming
with 16 bricks. As soon as the digger completes digging turn him back to the
left and when he and the brick layer pass each other, turn the digger around
to the right and make him a Blocker by the time the brick layer gets half way
across the bridge.
The brick layer will cross over a pool of water, but 6 steps will disappear as
he does so. As soon as he is across, turn him around and have him fill the
empty space with bricks (6). Let him continue left and release the digger.
When they pass one another turn the brick layer back to the right. When the
digger is half way across the bridge, set the Brick layer as a Blocker again.
When the digger crosses over the water and drops down 2 steps, have him dig
through the wooden post, but turn him back to the left before he can walk any
further. Once again, release the brick layer and make a Blocker out of the
digger when they pass each other.
When the brick layer gets back to where the Zappers are, have him lay 2 bricks
side by side. The first brick must be laid right where it looks almost as if
he is in the middle of the zapper (but not quite, or he would not survive). He
will have to lay the first brick in a NE direction and the next brick straight
east. As he lays the second brick, click on him to turn him back to the left.
Release the digger again and make the brick layer a blocker after they pass.
When the digger gets to the post on the other side of the Zappers, have him dig
through it and turn him back to the left. Release the brick layer one last time
and when they pass, make the digger a Blocker.
Now when the brick layer gets on the other side of the "house" with the zappers
he will have to build 2 short bridges across 2 gaps (3 bricks each). As he is
laying his 6th brick, turn him back to the left and have him drop his remaining
bricks. Turn him back to the right and he will pick up a Shimmier tool. Have
him Shimmy across to the right. When he drops down, he will pick up more bricks.
Before he can Exit, turn him back to the left and have him build a bridge
straight left. As he is building, go back and release all Blockers except the
one up on the landing platform. Turn the leader back to the right to head
to the Exit.
Executing the rest of this depends on whether you have around 1 minute 10 secs
on the timer. If you have less than one minute, then release the Blocker on the
landing platform and have him head for the Exit. If there is sufficient time
then release the Blocker and have him build steps up to the platform on the
right starting 1 step from the left corner of the landing platform.
When he gets up to the next platform there is a small innocent looking brown
box about half way across. It's a trap! Have him Jump past it and pick up the
bricks near the end. Then have him build a bridge straight across. As he is
laying the last brick next to the wooden post, click on him and have him
continue laying bricks straight up. When he is out of bricks, he will continue
walking to his right and pick up the Spade tool. Turn him back to the left
before he can fall off the right side.
Quickly mark him in red and have him dig left through the 2 wooden posts
separating the 2 trapped Lemmings. Next, have him dig straight down in the
middle of the platform over the middle of the "house" below. The Lemmings
will probably split and go different directions. Those who go down the left
side must be turned back to the right as soon as they get down to the bottom.
When they get over to the right side of the house and up on the platform,
hasten them along with Jumps.
If you weren't able to save the trapped Lemmings because of a lack of time,
then either nuke the level or wait until the time expires.
Results: 48 Lemmings Saved.
Shadow 26
Start by allowing the leader to pick up the Umbrella and drop off the edge
of the Landing platform. Make the next Lemming to follow, a Blocker. While
the leader is falling, make the trapped Lemming over on the right a Blocker
next to the wall on the left.
What you have here is a series 8 platforms including the bottom platform, which
have to be climbed to reach the top and ultimately get everyone, including the
trapped lemming, into the Exit. Getting from one platform to the next is a
repetitive process, so I will only explain the first step and give you an
outline of what you have to do until you get to the top.
When the leader reaches the bottom, he will pick up some bricks. Have him Drop
them immediately and go pick up the Spade tool. When he reaches the wall on the
right, have him dig up and to the left (NW). This will open two floor sections
above. As soon as they're open, have the leader Drop the Spade tool and go
pickup the bricks.
Turn the leader back to the right and when he gets back near the wall, have him
lay a 2 step stairway over to the wall and one step back over to the platform.
This will be enough to get him up to the next platform. When he is on the
platform, have him drop the bricks and pickup the next Spade tool. This time he
needs to stand at the wall on the left and open the floor above with the green
arrow pointing NE.
The above procedure for opening up access to the next platform above and laying
3 bricks to get up there must be repeated until the top platform is reached.
Alternately open the next platform at left and right walls as the leader
ascends. When he gets to the top, he should only have used 21 bricks and have
11 left over.
When he gets to the top, if you followed the above procedure, he will punch
through on the right side of the upper platform and walk left to where the
Blocker is. As soon as he turns around to the right, have him build stairs up
to the barrels on the right using no more than 7 bricks. Some steps will have
to be double thickness. When he is finished, turn him back around to the left
and release the trapped Blocker below.
The next operation could be considered delicate. The leader must Jump up on
to the metal wall on the left, then lay his last four bricks over to the
landing platform. As he lays the bricks, have him lay one of them at a
southwest angle, then straight over to the other platform. As soon as he is
done and turns back to the right, release the Blocker on the landing platform.
Results: 49 Lemmings Saved.
Shadow 27
Let the leader walk to the right and pick up the Swim tools. The first Lemming
to follow him should be made a Blocker. When the leader gets across the long
pool of water and climbs out, have him Drop his remaining Swim tool. He will
pick up some Sucker tools. Have him climb the wall on the right and when he
gets to the top, have him Drop his remaining Sucker tools. He will pick up
some bricks. Turn him around to the left and have him build a stairway down to
the platform where there is a Spade tool waiting.
When he picks up the Spade tool, have him dig through both wooden posts ahead
of him. After he turns around and walks back up to the top, make him a Blocker.
Go back and release the Blocker under the entrance and make the next Lemming a
Blocker. The Lemming moving along the landing platform will pick up some
bricks. Have him build a stairway down to the top of the water, then straight
east until he is at the right edge of the barrier overhead, then have him
build a stairway up to the platform on the right. After he walks part way up
the brick stairs ahead, make him a Blocker.
Now release the Blocker back on the landing platform.
Release the leader and have him Drop his Spade tool. When he drops off the
edge of the platform ahead, he will pick up a lot of bricks. Have him extend
the platform by building a bridge out beyond the wagon on the right. When
he gets there, make him turn back to the left, then make him a Blocker.
Release the blocker back on the brick stairs and make the next guy to follow
him, a Blocker. Make sure the moving Lemming has dropped all tools before he
gets down to the platform below. Turn him back to the left and have him pick
up 2 Bomb tools. Turn him back to the right and let him walk out on the
brick bridge platform extension. When he is at the first wheel on the wagon,
have him place a Bomb and use the Walking skill to turn him back to the left.
When the Bomb goes off, turn him around to the right and have him place another
Bomb tool about the 2nd brick in from the gap created by the 1st Bomb. Be sure
to turn him back to the left again before he can continue on. This time make
him a Blocker when he is at a sufficient distance from the Bomb.
Now release the Brick layer out on the right and have him lay a stairway of
bricks down to the platform below. As soon as he is safely down on the lower
platform, then release the Bomber, make sure he goes to the right. When he
gets down on the brick stairs, make him a Blocker just to the right of the
drop-off. Release the Blocker up above and turn every Lemming to the right.
When every Lemming passes the Blocker on the brick stairs, release the Blocker
and make sure he goes to the left towards the Exit.
Results: 49 Lemmings Saved.
Shadow 28
Set up Blockers on the left and right ends of the landing platform. Let 2
Lemmings drop off the right end before setting a Blocker at that end. When the
2nd Lemming drops down and starts walking down the steps, make him a Blocker
also. When the leader drops down to the set of graduated raised platforms
leading to the Sheriff's office, turn him back to the left. Have him Jump over
to the rolling stock. He will go to the other end and pick up a Spade tool.
When he comes back to the right, have him Jump back over to the platform. He
will walk to the Sheriff's office. When he is up on the highest barrel next to
the office, have him dig at an up-angle towards the roof. When he gets there,
have him pick up all the Spade tools EXCEPT the one on the far right. Turn him
back to the left before he picks it up.
Once again, have him Jump over to the rolling stock. When he is up there,
make him a Blocker. Now go back and release the lone Blocker waiting under
the landing platform. Have him go pick up the Spade tool remaining on the
Sheriff's office roof and turn back to the left. When he gets back to the
platform which is under the steps leading down from the landing platform, have
him dig straight down next to the step-up to the platform on the right. When
he lands, have him cut through all wooden posts on his right so as to provide
a path to the Exit.
Release the Blockers on the landing platform so everyone left up there will
head towards the Exit.
Now release the Blocker on the rolling stock and have him walk to the car on
the left. Mark him Red and have him dig down through the roof and into the
next car on the right. He will need to dig at least twice into the other car
in order to free the trapped Lemming. Turn him back to the left and set a
Blocker behind him so he won't be disturbed until he is ready. Have him
go almost to the left end of the left car and dig straight down. When he is
under the platform the cars are on, change his direction to the right. Then
have him start cutting through all the posts leading to the Exit. Release
the Blocker back in the cars so those two can also head for the Exit.
Results: 51 Lemmings Saved.
Shadow 29
All the way to the left are 2 Spade tools. Have the 2nd Lemming who drops
from the Entrance, go there with a series of Jumps from platform to platform
to get there. After he collects both Spade tools, have him Jump back as far
as his Jumps will allow him. When he drops down to the platform below, mark
him Red and have him start cutting through wooden posts to the right. When he
frees the first group of Lemmings, make the one on the extreme left, a
Blocker. As soon as the trailing Lemming is clear of the digger, make him a
Blocker too. Let the digger continue his post cutting and repeat the setting
of Blockers for the next group of Lemmings.
As the digger cuts through the last post, he will need to cut through a pyramid
of balls. In the middle is a bunch of Spade tools. When he gets to them, click
on him so he will stop and pick them up. Then click on him again so he
will resume digging to the right.
When he reaches the Lemming Zapper, have him Jump to get beyond it. When he
reaches the rock mountain. Have him cut through it. When frees the trapped
Lemming in the middle, make the trappee a Blocker to the left of the digger.
Have the digger resume cutting through the mountain. When he finishes, he will
approach a railroad car. Have him dig at an up-angle (NE) to release one
set of bricks. Let him walk back to the left. Free the trapped Lemming and turn
him around to the right. When they pass each other, make the digger a Blocker.
The formerly trapped Lemming will go pick up the bricks and return. Free the
digger again and make sure he goes to the right. When they pass one another,
make the digger a Blocker again. The brick layer will get to the Zapper. He
should lay down one brick in the middle of the Zapper by laying at an up-angle
(NW) to the left. When he is finished. Turn him back to the right. When he
gets near the digger, make the brick layer a Blocker and release the digger.
When the digger gets next to the railroad car, have him dig at an up-angle to
the right (NE). When he gets near the top he will try to turn back to the left
so you want to make sure he continues to the right. He will pick up more
Spade tools. Have him dig at an up-angle once more to gain access to the clock.
As soon as the Clock is free, change his digging direction to straight right.
When he drops down on the floor of the car, turn him back around to the left
and have him cut through the remaining material on the car.
At this time, he is probably out of shovels, but if not, make sure he Drops
any he may have and goes to pick up the Clock so as to extend the time by one
minute. As soon as he does, turn him around to the left and make him a Blocker.
Release the brick layer and have him go to the right and pick up some bricks.
As soon as he picks them up, release the Blocker in front of him. If there's
time make the former digger a Blocker after they pass one another.
When the brick layer gets to the front of the middle car, have him lay bricks
up to the top of the engine cab. As he is laying the bricks, go and free up
all Blockers and make sure everyone is moving to the right towards the Exit.
The brick layer will finish and pick up more bricks on the top of the engine
Have him build some steps to the top of the engine's smoke stack, after which
he will go on to the Exit. The remaining Lemmings are on their way also.
Results: 52 Lemmings Saved.
Shadow 30
Start by setting Blockers at the extreme ends of the landing platform. Next,
mark any Lemming in red between the 2 Blockers. Have the marked Lemming Jump
over the Blocker on the right. There are 2 pits where a trapped Lemming is in
one of them. Have the marked Lemming Jump across both pits and go on to pick
up the Spade tool next to the stone wall. Let him walk back to the edge of the
pit with the trapped Lemming and have him Drop the Spade tool down. Turn him
back to the right.
He will drop down and pick up a Sucker tool. Have him climb the wall ahead. He
will work his way down to the platform below. When he is walking to the right,
have him Jump over to the right using the 2 small blocks in the center. When he
is across he will pick up 2 Sucker tools. Have him climb the wall. When he
reaches the top, have him Drop his Sucker tools and continue to the edge of
the platform. Have him Jump to the right where he will pick up some bricks and
fall straight down to a disintegrating step. He will turn around and land to the
left of the pool of water.
Let him walk a few steps to the left, then turn him back to the right. When
he gets to the edge of the pool, don't let him walk across. Have him build a
bridge across by laying his first brick in a NE direction (up-angle to the
right), then immediately change his direction to straight east.
As he starts to lay bricks to the east, go back to the landing platform and mark
any other Lemming in red. Have him Jump over the Blocker on the right. This
time, turn him back to the left. When he drops down to the next ledge, turn
him around to the right immediately to pick up some bricks. When he gets back
to the left, have him start a bridge to the left by laying one brick in a NW
(up-angle to the left) direction, then change his direction to straight west.
As he is laying his 4th brick, change his direction back to the right, then
back to the left.
He will drop down to the next platform. Have him lay 2 bricks to the right,
then turn him back to the left. He will turn around to the right and drop
down to the bottom floor. Just to the right of the spot where he lands is a
"break away" area of the floor. It will take 5 bricks to bridge it. As he
is laying his 5th brick, turn him back to the left and have him Drop the
bricks. Quickly turn him around to the right and he will pick up a Sucker
tool. Have him climb the wall.
He will walk across a platform over to the right where there are a lot of
Spade tools to be picked up. When he gets over there, have him Drop his Sucker
tools so he can pick up all the Spade tools. When he has picked up the last
Spade tool, have him dig straight down for a couple of shovels full, then
change his direction to the right. As soon as the wall is opened on his right,
turn him back to the left. When he gets back to the wall on the left, have him
dig SW until he is slightly under the floor of the Zappers. Have him continue
straight to the west. When he is just beyond the Zappers, have him dig NW until
he has broken out into the open. Quickly turn him back to the right and have
him Drop his Spade tools.
Now turn him back to the left to get the bricks he left. Turn him around to the
right and have him go to build a bridge over the small gap beyond the wall.
When he turns back to the left, have him Drop the bricks and go back and
fetch the Spade tools once again. Turn him around to the right after he gets
them and have him dig through the barrier on the right. Just ahead is another
break-away area of the floor. Don't worry about it now.
Go release the Blocker at the left side of the landing platform. When everyone
has dropped off to the left, release the Blocker on the right and make sure he
turns back to the left to follow his friends.
Go to the trapped Lemming and have him dig to the left then straight down. He
will encounter another break-away area in the floor and make his way down. When
he drops down, make sure he turns to the right immediately.
Go to the area on the right where there is a Spade tool beneath the break-away
area of the floor ahead of the Exit. Get as many Lemmings as possible to Jump
across that area. If any fall in, have the one with the Spade tool dig out to
the NE (up-angle to the right) so everyone can go to the Exit.