Dedicated to Psygnosis' ultimate series of Lemmings games!

You're @: Lem.Net: Translators
Lem.Net now has a range of information and services for the Lemmings fan community. But my site is only in English. I want fans from all around the world, speaking any language, to be able to enjoy my site. This is when I call upon the help of you, the Lemmings fan.

If you speak English AND a language other than English you can become a translator for Lem.Net. It will be your job to translate all the pages in the Lem.Net site into your language and your job to translate updates as they come along. You will also have to receive all email sent from your translated version of the site, translate it into English, and forward it to me. You will be fully credited for any and ALL work you do.

Translators will require the following programs/knowledge. (Note: if you are interested in becoming a translator and don't have something below, please contact me anyway.

  • A good understanding of HTML
    Most of the HTML in my site can get quite complex. Therefore you will require a good understanding of the language.
  • Access to a graphics program that supports .JPG and .GIF
    You will need this to translate all the titles and other images.
  • A bit of time
    It will take a while to translate the site!

If you become a translator, please be aware that you must agree to the terms and conditions stated here.

Copyright 2000 All Rights Reserved.
Trademarks/Pictures Copyright their respective owners.
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Lem.Net is a FAN SITE.
I have no relation to Psygnosis, DMA Design or any other company involved in the developement of Lemmings.