Make the second lemming to come out a blocker. Make the first
lemming a floater. Make the first lemming bash through the
snowman. Walk up the hill till the next snowman and bash through
it. Float off the edge and walk about fifteen centimetres. Build
so the lemming turns around and then build up, making the fall safe
for the other lemmings. Walk up and bash through your path. Build
to the exit. Explode the blocker.
Xmas 2 - Christmas Bonus
Make the first lemming a blocker. Let the second walk on, and use the
third to hold the rest of the horde back. Let the second walk about
halfway up the stone like ground and then mine through it. Bash
through the snowman. Walk on till you come to the gap and build
over it. When you've reached the other side, bash through the wall.
Bash through the snowman. Build over the gap and bash through the wall.
Let the lemming walk up the slope and when he's turned around, build
to the exit. Explode the left blocker.
Xmas 3 - Time waits for no Lemming
Make the first lemming a blocker. Make the second a climber. Make
third bash through the first pillar. The second should be climbing.
At the top, dig. This should get rid of the top pillar. Bash through
the second pillar at the bottom and make the first lemming to come along
a blocker. Build up to the next platform. Build to the exit. Make any
lemmings that come along while building floaters.
Xmas 4 - This Corrision
Make the first lemming a builder on the very edge of the platform. Make
the second lemming a builder for delay. Make the first a climber. Once
he's finished building he should climb over the steel piece below the exit
and fall onto the platform below. Build to the chains. The lemming should turn around. Bash through the middle pillar. Walk to the edge of that platform and build. Walk back to the chains and bash through the first one. You will fall onto the steel below. Build so you turn around.
Build to the lower platform. Bash through the pillar and build over the
exit. Build at the edge of this platform. Dig through the bridges above
at two different places to release the remaining lemmings.