At upper entrance, make the first Lemming a filler to fill the hole; the
rest that follow him will drop to lower level. At that level, make any
Lemming a flame thrower to blast through the umbrella; the rest will drop
to the next level. At that level, make any Lemming a flame thrower to blast
through tree. All previous Lemmings will now make it home. Now move to the
right and make any Lemming a flame thrower to blast through the can. They'll
walk over the bucket and handle to home. ALL SAVED!
Beach 2: The Barley Mow
Make any Lemming a jet pack and with the fan blow him over left umbrella so
he can walk along the level below. Make him a sand pourer just at the start
of the incline. When he returns to this spot, make him through the sand pile
and ground so he falls to next level. When he gets halfway down the slope,
make him throw a rope to the yellow sand in front of the beach ball. When he
turns back, make him bash through the umbrella to home. Go back up to the
other Lemmings and try to make one bash through the left umbrella. If you
miss, make one a jet pack and blow him over the left umbrella so he too can
walk along the level below. When he gets under the other Lemmings, make him
laser blast up. They'll all make it home. ALL SAVED!
Beach 3: Cannonball
Make 2nd Lemming a bomb at the edge of the metal. Make 1st Lemming, who has
just fallen into the water, a kayaker. The bomb hole will hold all the rest
of the Lemmings. When the kayaker walks to the top of the hill and gets to
the middle of the flat spot, make him an archer and aim the arrow at the
upper left corner of the can. Immediately make him fire 3 more arrows, each
aimed into the tail of the previous arrow, so you have 4 arrows in a row.
Then let him walk to the edge and make him a hang glider. He'll land on the
arrows, and when he turns, make him a hang glider again at the edge of the
last arrow. He'll glide to the metal walkway under the water. When he
reaches the edge of the dirt, make him a bomb -- he'll blow a hole in the
dirt under the rest of the Lemmings. When he recovers, make him laser blast
up to free the others; they'll come down in a big clump. When they walk off
the edge, make a jumper at the front of the pack so one gets ahead of the
others. Make him jump again AFTER he's turned off the beach ball. Just
before he reaches the crevice, make him a glue pourer to fill the crevice --
all should reach home. ALL SAVED!
Beach 4: Coastal Suction Function
Make the 1st Lemming a runner to the right, and then a jumper to get over
the ball. When he gets to the edge of the grass, make him jump onto the
chain, as low as possible. Start the chain swinging, and when he's over the
other side, release him. Make him a jumper just before he gets under the
suction tube. He'll fall off the edge, bounce off the shovel, and run into
the water. Make him a kayaker. He'll run over the bucket and handle, then
make him laser blast to free all the Lemmings above. ALL SAVED!
Beach 5: Sand Stone
Make 1st Lemming build immediately, and continue building to top of yellow
box. After they start walking off the far side of the box, make the 1st one
jump ahead 4 times to get ahead of the others. He'll drop off the edge and
bounce off the wall. When he reaches the edge near home, make him build. As
the others approach, make the builder a glue pourer; he'll make a walkway to
home for the others. ALL SAVED!
Beach 6: Beach Lems
Make 1st Lemming a ballooner and fan him sideways so he lands on the left
side of the striped beach hut. When he turns, make him a platformer to build
across the water. When he returns and crosses the platform, make him a miner
to the right before he reaches the beach hut. After he drops, make him mine
again to the right as soon as he's clear of the metal barrier. He'll drop
and bounce off the palm tree. Make him club bash to the left at the small
incline -- he'll clear out a path under the suction tube so it can't reach
him. When he reaches the edge, make him throw a rope to the edge of the
level that the umbrella's on. As soon as he turns at the umbrella pole, make
him throw another rope to the right above the metal barrier. When he reaches
this spot, make him a fencer and he'll clear a path to home. Go back up to
the other Lemmings and have one fence to the right through the coconuts and
palm tree. They'll all follow the 1st Lemming's path to home. ALL SAVED!
Beach 7: Sand in Yer Sarnies
Let 1st Lemming drop off shovel and make him platform over crevice. Make any
2 newly emerged Lemmings jump from one grassy island to the next. Let the
1st drop to walk under beach huts, and make 2nd platform across the gap.
Have platform builder bash through bucket to release the others. Meanwhile,
click the one walking under the beach huts a swimmer, then a runner. When he
emerges from the water, bash him through the palm tree, then jump him up to
the yellow incline. When he turns at the top, jump him up to grassy incline
-- jump him over the frog. When he's halfway up the right side of the right
side of the roof of the 2nd beach hut (from the right) mine him down to the
level of the platform so the others can walk up the ramp. Whichever Lemming
gets to the can first bashes through, and all get home. ALL SAVED!
Beach 8: Beach Mania
Make 1st Lemming jump twice when he reaches the seam in the metal plate --
he'll land close to the edge. Make 2nd Lemming an attractor, and all will
stop and dance. Click on 1st Lemming as a magic carpet rider. He'll glide
down to next level, walk to right and turn back. When he's nearly to edge,
make him an archer and shoot the arrow into the lower right edge of the
upper levelso it sticks out to break the fall of the other Lemmings later.
When the archer drops to the rightmost floating island, make him build to
the left from the flat spot. This bridge will prevent the others from
falling between the islands later, and does not have to be complete. The
builder will hit his head, turn, and drop onto the large yellow island. When
he's directly under the tiny single notch in the bottom of the cloud, make
him build completely to the edge of the grassy island. He'll hit his head
and turn back. Let him drop to the next floating island, but build to the
left from its edge, to home. Now click on the attractor Lemming as a jumper
to "break his spell". All should fall, hit the arrow, land on the island,
and then follow the path of the first Lemming. ALL SAVED!
Beach 9: Sand Blaster
Make 1st and 3rd Lemmings fire mortars when they reach the center of the
third metal square. (This will blow a deep enough hole to trap any Lemming
who gets in there later). Now make the 2nd Lemming an attractor. Click on
the 1st Lemming as a platformer across the water. Repeat if necessary, but
don't let him complete the platform -- click on him to jump once the
platform is over the other side -- he should be trapped in the mortar hole.
Now bazooka him under the castle -- it should take 5 shots. Then have him
platform across the water.
What you now need to do is fire 4 mortars into the area just before the
beach hut, to blast through to the lower level. Where you fire them from
depends on the terrain of the tunnel under the castle, but it should be
about 1" to the left of the water's edge, and not from too high a spot, or
they'll hit the beach hut -- trial and error is needed. If each successive
mortar is fired a tad to the right of the previous one, the hole won't get
so deep that it traps the Lemming before it's finished should he walk into
it. If that happens, a combination of jumping, rolling, and platforming
might be enough to get him out. Once he's blasted through, he'll walk to the
right, drop, and bounce off the can. Watch how far he walks under the frog
before turning back, and on his next pass make him fire the bazooka just
before he reaches that spot -- that should blast a hold he can get through,
but if not, you should still have one bazooka left for his next pass. He'll
now walk home. Go back to the attractor and make him jump to "release the
spell". All will make it home. ALL SAVED!
Beach 10: Surf Lem!
Make the 1st Lemming mine to the right at the bucket, as late as possible
before he turns back. He'll hit the metal barrier, but should have opened a
small space to the grass beyond the bucket. Use 1 or 2 fillers to fill the
hole enough for the Lemmings to pass. Make one an archer as soon as he's
past the bucket, and have him shoot the arrow about 1/16" down from the
upper left corner of the can. Then make any Lemming that's just to the right
of the bucket a SuperLem. Position the aiming cursor on the can just above
the arrow -- he should fly to this spot and lie stunned on the arrow for a
moment. (This part will take practice. If the arrow is too low on the can,
the Lemming won't be able to walk over the can. If it's too high on the can,
the SuperLem will glance off the can and fly off the screen.)
The Lemming will walk over the can and drop to the lower level. When he
reaches the little hump in the middle of the grassy slope, make him an
archer. Aim the arrow at the leftmost point of the palm tree island. Then
fire an arrow into the back of this arrow and then a third into the back of
the second one. Have the Lemming build to the right from the edge of the
grass -- the bridge must go OVER the last arrow but not touch it. The
Lemming will bounce off the tree and turn, drop off the last arrow, and will
be walking to the left. As he approaches the highest floating island, he
must shoot an arrow straight into the side of it with no space between the
tail of the arrow and the grass so the other Lemmings can walk across it.
Make him a filler on top of the arrow once or twice (otherwise he'll bounce
off the island and turn back and you'll lose him, only saving 59, but you'll
still get the gold) and he'll make it safely to home.
Go back to the others and make one mine to the right when he reaches the can
-- they must fall onto the raised flat part of the level below to survive.
Cave 1: Audex Powder
Do nothing until the 1st lemming gets to the tip of the tail of the left-most
and lowest toad, then make him a builder.
This level is funny to watch, but requires some quick actions on your part.
Let the first two lemmings bounce all the way to the right. Turn the second
into a stomper as soon as he touches the pole on the right. As your scout
starts walking left along the ledge, start platforming to the next ledge
while on the middle of the three blocks. On the next ledge, turn the scout
into a stomper when he reaches the vertical stack of 3 blocks. Release the
lemmings in the pit on the right with a basher. Use 2 fillers to escape the
final pit which they will fall into.
Circus 3: We're Coming Home
Turn the first lemming into a twister, but wait for the next one to pass him
before doing anything else. Using the fan, dig straight down to make a pit
which will trap everyone but your scout. Have the scout platform all the way
to the exit, then use the fan to blow the twister up and to the right to
release everyone. (Position the fan so its a little below, and far to the
left of the twister - they're a little hard to control.)
Circus 4: Round the Blox
I hate this screen. It relies heavily on twisters, particularly right at the
very end. If at first you don't succeed...
Start with the lower group of lemmings. Make a basher heading left. At the
upper group, make a twister and use the fan to have him follow the yellow
blocks. If you mess up and lose the twister, you can complete the path with
bashers and stompers. After you break through into the path made by the
lower basher turn one of the lemmings into an attractor. Make one of the
lemmings a twister and follow the yellow blocks to the clearing down and to
the left. The scout will climb up to more yellow blocks, which he should
bash through, then stomp through (follow the yellow brick road). When you
hit the bottom of the yellow, turn the scout into a twister and use the
fan to blow him up and to the right through the last of the blocks - this
is the most difficult part. When doing this, position the fan a little below
and far to the left of the twister - never make your twister go straight
up (or you'll lose him). Once the twister is through, turn the attractor into
a club basher to release the others.
Circus 5: Big Top Time
As soon as the first lemmings drops in and takes a step or 2, turn him into
a stacker. Two others will sneak by, but that's okay. We'll use the first as
a scout, but turn the second into a platformer as soon as he passes the
trampoline to delay him for a while. Just before your scout falls off the
ledge to the right, platform out to the wall. He'll turn back to the left and
walk up the ramp. When he's about 2/3 of the way up, make him a scooper.
After he breaks through, platform immediately to the exit. Use one of the
lemmings by the entrance to bash through the wall your stacker made. If any
of the lemmings fall into the pit by the trampoline, bash out to the right.
Circus 6: Headache
The title says it all - this one takes patience! There may be an easier way
than this, but at least this solution saves everyone.
Use a fencer to cut through the barrier near the entrance and use a bomber
on the edge of the bump you'll approach (If you time this right, one lemming
will be blown to the ledge with the exit. If you have trouble with the
timing, try having one lemming jump the barrier right at the beginning and
have him do the bombing before anyone else comes through.) Turn three
lemmings walking towards the pit into glue pourers and turn one into a
bomber just before he enters the pit. This should let everyone in the pit
out. Move the cannon to about the center of hits range. You'll want to
fast-forward the game as this point - watching all 60 lemmings get shot to
the entrance gets tedious.
Circus 7: Circus of Fear
Turn the first lemming into a climber and send him off as a scout. Turn him
into a roper to get out of the first 3 pits, then stomp through the floor
of the fourth. Throw a rope over the gap to the left of the car below (this
takes pretty precise aiming - aim the rope at the corner of the leftmost
block). Fill the holes near the exit with fillers and release the rest of
the lemmings with a roper.
Circus 8: Play that Funky Lemming
When the first lemming bounces toward the red wall, quickly bash through it
and move the cannon toward the far right. When the first lemming is shot
to the nearby ledge, have him stomp down to the opening on the right.
After the next lemming climbs the stairs, have him bash through the first
small block and jump over the second. He should walk all the way to the
left, up the stairs, and move towards the right, jumping over each of the
three gaps along the way. Once he reaches the green blocks, have him stomp
or scoop down to the arrows. When he's trapped in the left-facing arrow,
scoop to the right until he almost breaks through. Turn him into a
basher and start platforming as soon as he breaks out. The scout will
continue to the right. Have him bash through the remaining small block (you
*must* do this from the left). The remaining lemmings will walk through the
path your scout made and all that's left is to bash through the last two
walls on the left to reach the exit.
Circus 9: The Carpet Capers
This is another one of those screens I don't like because magic carpets are
a little hard to control as well.
When the first lemming is about a half-block to the left of the flagpole,
turn him into a pole vaulter. Move the cannon on the right to the far right
of its range. The scout will drop to the floor below. Just before he reaches
the series of small gaps, give him a magic carpet. Use the fan to help him
avoid all the obstacles (difficult until you get the hang of it!). After the
carpet disappears, laser blast up to release to rest of the lemmings and
let a few fall. Turn one into an attractor and release one of the dancers by
making him a pole vaulter (it'll fail, but he should be clear of the
attractor's influence now). Let him fall to the floor below, where he should
platform to the exit. Release the rest by turning the attractor into a pole
Circus 10: Swingy and Roundabouts
As soon as the leader reaches the bottom of the first ramp, turn him into a
scooper and let the group wander to the left. When they are going up the
staircase by the car, have one pole vault up to the high ledge on the right
(the timing is a little difficult, but try starting him when it's halfway
up the last stair). Just before he reaches stairs, turn the scout into a
stacker and pole vault another lemming up to the ledge. This second lemming
should hit the stacked wall and turn around. Right before he reaches the
yellow blocks, turn him into a scooper. The hole should be just right to
release the lemmings in the pit. Meanwhile, have your scout jump the small
block, platform over the gap he'll encounter, and continue upwards. Turn him
into a filler to fill up each of the small gaps he runs across. The cannon
he'll run across is fine where it is, so let it shoot him. When he nears
the exit, stomp down when he reaches the block that's half-blue, half-yellow
(it's a ways over the pole in the pit). Release the other lemmings by having
one bash through the stacked wall and the small block. If your scooper went
too far and dug into the passage below, platform over the hole.
Don't dawdle on this screen! This solution will only give you about 20
seconds remaining, though you can release the lemmings earlier to get more
time if you feel safe leaving the scout to his own devices.
You now have the Circus World portion of the Talisman!
Classic 1: Do You Remember?
There are many possible solutions to this level. What I did was
bash to the right and let all the Lemmings just drop down to the bottom.
Then bash through the pedestal under the big column. Build to the right
to get up the block, then when they turn back at the wooden barrier build
to the left to the column, then back to the right to home. ALL SAVED!
Classic 2: Mr. Lemmy Lives Next Door
Make Lemming #1 a climber and build him twice to the right at the
water's edge. He'll hit his head and turn back. Let him walk back down
and climb to the top of the block and the column. When he drops from the
column, build right to the upper platform. Once he gets across, wait until
he gets to the water's edge again and build him twice to the left. He'll
meet the other bridge, hit his head, and turn. Build him to the right from
the metal block to the wooden platform so he doesn't go home. When he
returns and walks across the big bridge, mine him to the left just past the
metal block to free the other Lemmings. Let the first one to reach the
stairs above the home area dig through, and all will get home. ALL SAVED!
Classic 3: Lemtris
Between the entry point and home are 7 obstacles -- I'll refer to
them as #1-#7 from RIGHT to LEFT, as that is the order they'll be
Make 1st Lemming a climber as he approaches #1 and let him climb
over. Let him climb over #2, but build to the left from just before the
leftmost edge of #2. He should hit his head on #3 and turn back -- mine
him to the right just before he reaches middle block of #2, then bash to
the right through #1 to release the others.
Have the 1st Lemming to reach #4 bash through to the left. Now
make another climber. Let him climb #5 and walk across, building him to
the left just BEFORE he reaches the edge, not AT the edge. Make him mine
to the left just before climbing the upper wall #6. The original climber
has probably arrived on the scene by now. Of the 2 climbers, have
the 1st bash left through #7, and the 2nd turn back (make him build inside
the mine or the tunnel -- whatever it takes to turn him around!). Have the
returning Lemming mine to the right when he's halfway back across #5 to
release the others. All should get home. (If you try this level with only
1 climber doing everything, you'll probably run out of time!). ALL SAVED!
Classic 4: Tension Sheet, Good Idea
Make 1st Lemming mine to the left as soon as he bounces off the
metal barrier. When he's about midway between the underground metal
barrier and the yellow strip at the bottom of the screen, make a newly
emerged Lemming an athlete (climber & floater). This one will climb up and
over the metal barrier and float down. Meanwhile, make the miner a blocker
when he's halfway through the yellow strip. Try to click on him on the
upswing so there's a bit more space between the blocker and the end of the
Meanwhile, make the athlete build across the water, and keep going.
When he reaches the right edge of the metal block before the next chasm,
mine him to the right. Then build him twice from the edge -- he'll hit his
head and turn back. Click on him to mine to the left about an inch or so
past that same metal block on his way back. Start him bashing to the left
when he's reached the desired point in the yellow strip. The object is to
have him bash enough under the miner to turn him back into a walker, yet
still bash into enough air that he stops bashing! If successful, all will
reach home before you run out of time. (If you save all but the blocker,
you'll still get a gold medal.) ALL SAVED!
Classic 5: The Magnificent Severn
I don't believe that it's possible to save all 60 Lemmings in this
level. Use the 5 bashers to bash through the columns. Make the 1st 2
Lemmings floaters, and the third a blocker just at the edge. Then make
either floater a climber -- when he climbs into the entryway at the top,
have him dig in the middle of the flat section. When he's dug deep enough
to ensure that a mine will clear him through to the bottom level, mine him
to the right. When he starts walking, build him once to get him to hit his
head and turn, then build him again at the left edge. He'll again hit his
head and turn, and go home. Now make the remaining floater dig down to the
bridge, being sure he's walking to the right when you start him digging.
He too will walk home. Now explode the blocker, and all but that Lemming
will make it home. ALL BUT ONE SAVED, but you still get the GOLD!
Classic 6: The Starry Threshold
Make 3rd and 4th Lemmings build to right to slow them down. Make
1st Lemming build to the right, the 2nd will keep walking. When the next
Lemming approaches the bridge make the builder a blocker on his bridge.
Make the walking Lemming dig over the right side of the leftmost hanging
shape so that he'll drop onto the slope and turn back to the right, AND
future Lemmings will also drop onto the slope instead of the lower level --
this will get everyone walking to the right.
At the top of hill just past the metal block, make the Lemming dig
to the metal obstacle below. He'll stop and walk - then mine him to the
left, and dig him again when he has a clear shot to the bottom. He'll
again stop and walk -- then bash him to the right. Build him over the
water, then build again a bit before the wall. Bash him through to home.
Returning to the others, mine to the left just under the blocker on the
stairs to turn him back into a walker -- all Lemmings should drop down the
tube the digger made, but land on the slope of the hanging shape and turn
for home. ALL SAVED!
Classic 7: So Close But So Far Away
Make the 5th Lemming a blocker over the thin part of the wood
platform. Mine any of the first 4 to the left. Make one of these Lemmings
build to the left just before the edge of the gap, making sure that the
other 3 get trapped in it, but will be able to climb up the right side
later. Bash the builder to the left all the way through yellow wall.
Build this Lemming to the left 3x when he's under the center of the hanging
metal block, and make him a blocker at the end of the 3rd bridge. While
he's building, make one of the 3 trapped Lemmings a climber. When this one
reaches the blocker and turns, make him build 3x up to the metal walkway.
(While he's building, make another of the trapped Lemmings a climber --
when he's halfway through the tunnel or beyond, make the last trapped
Lemming a climber. While he's climbing the stairway or beyond, blow up the
blocker back near the entrance to release the rest. The timing of these
releases isn't critical, except that you don't want to have them catching
up to you too soon).
On the top level, make the builder bash to the right through the 1st
wooden obstacle from it's 2nd tier. As he crests the 1st slope of the next
obstacle, click on him to explode. He'll blow a path through the obstacle
farther on. Make the next Lemming on the scene a digger just past the end
of the metal walkway above home. Click on him to explode when he reaches
the top of the 3rd block down. Make the next Lemming on the scene build
across the chasm to home. The rest will follow. ALL BUT 3 SAVED, BUT
Classic 8: The Secret of LEMH
Make 1st Lemming a climber; dig him down when he's above the right
edge of the metal blocks -- he'll stop digging, but will have dug down a bit
below the level of the metal blocks, which will be enough to prevent future
Lemmings from getting killed by the drop. Meanwhile, block the rest of the
Lemmings at the left edge of the metal platform. The climber will climb out
of his hole -- make him a floater so he's not killed by the drop. At the
bottom, build him up over the slope, being careful not to let him hit his
head and turn back. Bash through the obstacle at the top of the hill, then
make him dig when he's just past the metal blocks. Mine him to the right
to home when he's dug deeply enough (8 or 10 digs).
Go back to the others and make another climber. Have him dig just
before the hole dug by the 1st one, he'll stop at the metal and walk --
bash him to the right and let him go. Create additional climbers, and have
them each dig to widen the hole until the others can get through to the
Classic 9: Flying the Mad Pursuit
Make the 2nd Lemming build as soon as he drops out. Make the 1st
build across the chasm from the edge. Make Lemmings #3 and #4 build at any
point before the edge to slow them down. Make #5 dig to slow him for a
second or 2, otherwise he'll fall off the edge. Make the 1st Lemming
across the chasm bash through the pillar. The 2nd one only will turn back
-- have him build to the left from the very edge of the chasm to connect
the bridges. If he turns back before closing the gap start over!
Meanwhile, make any Lemming mine to the right just past the metal
blocks. Have another build to the right from the center rivet of the last
block to seal off the mine entrance. Make the miner a builder to turn him,
then when he reaches the seam between the 1st yellow block (to the right of
the metal walkway) and the 2nd, dig him down as far as he can dig without
falling (he'll be digging partly through thin air), then build him to the
left. He'll drop to top of metal post, then build him left from the edge.
While he's building, make him a climber. He'll climb up the next
metal block, and up and over the yellow pillar. Build him to the left a
step or 2 after he's dropped off the left side of the pillar so he reaches
and climbs the opposite pillar without turning back. When he reaches the
top of the pillar, dig him down to just above the bridge, then mine him
left to home.
Make any other Lemming dig through the upper bridges. All will
survive the fall and get home. ALL SAVED!
Classic 10: What's It Like Up There?
Make the 1st Lemming a climber when he's walking to the left.
Before he drops down to the home level, build him to the left so he doesn't
go home. When he drops off the end of the bridge, mine him to the left.
As he starts mining, make another Lemming a climber while he's
walking to the right. Let him drop of edge of metal walkway, and bash him
through the next wall so he falls into the hole in the wall. Ignore him
for now, and return to the miner, who will stop mining when he reaches the
hole in the wall, walk to the other end and turn. Mine him down to the
right, and bash him to the right when he's deep enough to get under the
metal block without hitting it. He'll stop bashing when he gets to the
airspace before the next yellow wall, and turn back. Have him build a
bridge to access his original mine to home, and let him go. Go back to the
2nd climber and bash him to the left through the wood. When he drops one
layer at the end and turns, bash him in the other direction. Repeat this
until he accesses the tunnel. Now dig the others down through the gap in
the metal walkway, and all will get home. ALL SAVED & A PIECE OF MEDALLION
Egyptian 1: Two's Company
The 1st lemming will land from the upper right entrance. When he walks to the
right a little ways, make him digger. Go to the upper left entrance and choose
any Ground Removing Skill (GRS) in the inventory and have the lemming cut
through the wall on the right. Choose another GRS and have a lemming from the
bottom entrance cut through the wall on his right. Similarly choose other GRS's
and have lemmings cut thru to the left wall above the lower entrance (or to the
right, if you prefer) and the remaining walls on the right.
Egyptian 2: Glued to the Goal!
When the 1st lemming from the lowest entrance gets to the right end of the
large block in the floor with a picture of a beetle, make the 2nd lemming an
Attractor. Go up to the top entrance and make the leader a Glue Pourer. Go to
the bottom floor again and make the leader a Jumper, then a Flame Thrower, then
a Platformer (to get over the water). When he gets up to the top of the ramp on
the right, make him a Glue Pourer twice. When he walks up to the end of the
next ramp and turns around, make him a Platformer. While he's doing that have
any lemming from the top entrance Flame Throw 3 times to get to the exit. Make
the lemming coming from the opposite direction a Flame Thrower to get to the
exit. Have anyone from the middle entrance Stomp through to the lower entrance.
Release the Attractor by making him a Jumper.
Egyptian 3: Labrynth of Fun
Make the 3rd or 4th lemming an Attractor. Release the leader by making him a
Jumper. Make him a Platformer before he can go down the steps leading down to
the right. He will fall down a fairly long shaft and yell "OUCH!" A little later
on he will fall down a shorter shaft and walk to the right. When he turns to
the left again, make him Platform over the next two gaps. When he gets to the
Sphinx, make him a Fencer. When he starts fencing go up and release the
Attractor. When the Fencer finishes, make him a Fencer once more. When he
finishes this time, make him a Scooper.
Egyptian 4: Spiralling DNA
This level pretty well speaks for itself. Make the first lemming a Stacker as
soon as he touches down. Make the next lemming a Twister when he reaches the top
of the ramp and before he can turn left. You must now use the fan to guide the
Twister up to the right at an angle, then straight across (the easy part) so he
cuts between the 2 pits - one above the other - then up at an angle again to
the exit. If he's still whirling when he gets there, blow him straight up.
Egyptian 5: Echo of Light
Make the lead lemming a Slider and Rock Climber, then have him Bash through the
palm tree. When he slides down the pedestal on the right side, make him a
Stomper, then make him Bash through the left wall. When gets through it, make
him a Glue Pourer. As he's walking across the glue, make him a runner, then
make him Bash through the wall on the right, Jump over the pit, and Bash thru
the next wall. Now in successive Jumps make him Jump across the pit, Jump past
the exit, Jump by the exit again (going left this time), and over the pit. Have
him Jump over the next large pit. When he turns back to the right, make him a
Glue Pourer before he arrives at the large pit again. Now release the rest of
the lemmings by having someone Stomp through the low end of the ramp on the
Egyptian 6: Ruper'z Questling
When the 4th lemming gets down to the pit under the entrance, make him an
Attractor. When the leader gets to the top of the pyramid, make him a Filler
over and over again until every pit and depression ahead of him is filled with
sand. When he gets back to the small pit ahead of where the water was, make him
Rope to the ledge above, then release the Attractor. (Now wasn't that fun? And
the easiest solution and execution yet?)
Egyptian 7: The Egypt Cottage
Make the first lemming a Parachutist and Swimmer. When he walks left, make him
a Ballooner. Blow him over the ramp on the left side. Now go to down to the
bottom and await his descent to take him down to where you're waiting. When he
comes into sight, blow him over to the sloped platform between the 2 water
tanks. He will be walking to the right when he lands. When he gets over on the
down slope, make him a Rock Climber and a SuperLem in that order. (If he falls
into the water on the right side he will swim across and climb out. As soon as
he is on the bank, be sure he is a Rock Climber and make him a SuperLem). As a
Superlem, he must be guided up and to the left so he lands on the
ramp below the colorful column above. He will climb up to the top of the
column and then start to Parachute down. Blow him over to the right side of the
exit. When he drops off the wall again and turns to the left, make him a
JetPacker and blow him on to the ledge above and to the left. He will climb
to the top of the wall. When he starts to chute down, blow him over to the
UPPER LEFT half of the Sphinx. When he walks to the top of the head, make him
a Laser Blaster to release the lemmings above. You can ignore all those who go
to the left. Make a lemming a Stomper right next to the right foot of the
Sphinx which will release everyone except the Rock Climber/Parachutist. When he
gets to the top of the wall and starts to chute down, blow him over to the LOWER
RIGHT half of the Sphinx so he will fall thru the stomped opening. When he
walks off the platform on the left, blow him over to the wall again on the
right side of the exit.
Egyptian 8: Heroe'z Quest
When the lead scout (our hero here) walks left, make him Jump over the little
block on the left. Have him Stomp twice. When he gets down lower and drops into
a little notch, as he walks left in the notch, make him a Jumper. When he falls
into the next notch below, make him a Fencer as he walks left. When he walks to
the right again, make him a Jumper then a Fencer to destroy the small block on
the platform. When he walks to the right again, make him a Jumper then a
Stomper before he turns to the left. Before he can Stomp all the way through,
make him a Fencer. When he turns to the left again, make him a Jumper after he
walks back down the ramp a short distance. When he turns back to the right,
make him PoleVault up to the ledge on the right. When he turns left again, make
him Jump to the next ramp. He'll have two more short Jumps to make (one to the
right, and one to the left) before he heads up over the roof of the exit. Make
him Platform over the gap on the left, then Scoop to the left (watch out for
the metal block over head when he starts Scooping - 'nuff said). When he breaks
through the wall, make him a Platformer. Now release the rest of the lemmings
by having someone Stomp down through at the only place he can.
Egyptian 9: Wave Pathway
Make the 1st lemming a Stacker as soon as he touches down. When he
completes stacking and pauses, make him a Jumper. When he gets between the
metal blocks on the right, make him a Stomper. When he is down to the 2nd
layer of blocks, make him a Basher. When he gets almost to the metal block on
the right, make him a Stomper again. When he gets down to the metal block or
just above it, make him a Basher to the right. When he is clear of the metal
blocks below, make him Stomp down to the next metal block. When he walks all
the way left, make him a Bomber. Then make him Stomp down to the next metal
block. Once again, make him a Bomber on the left side, then make him Bash left.
When he gets above the next platform below, make him a Stomper. Make him
Platform all the way across the gap. After he completes the platform, turns
around and comes back, make him a Basher. When he is all the way over the
second block on his right, make him a Stomper then a Basher. Go up and
release everyone else by having someone Bash through the block on the right.
Egyptian 10: Pyramid of Despair!
Make the 1st lemming a Rock Climber, then make him a Hopper to get across the
stepping stones over the pit underneath. He'll walk down a set of stairs. When
he turns around make him Jump back up on the stairs. When he gets about 5 or 6
steps from the top, have him fire a Mortar round. Now he'll go back down the
stairs again. Make him Jump back up on them a 2nd time (use a Shimmier skill).
This time he will drop into the pit below the hole created by the explosion. As
soon as he's in the pit, make him a Glue Pourer twice in succession. Now comes
the hard part. You must use a succession of Sand Pourers in the pit with the
rest of the Lemmings to release them out the left side without trapping any of
them, which is mandatory to getting the gold medal.
Highland 1: Cream of Lemming Soup
When you start, you'll see a block hindering progress. Bazooka through this
(it may take 2 tries). Turn one lemming into a twister and use the fan to
blow him down and to the right, emerging in the clearing surrounded by
plaid blocks. Bazooka through the wall to the right.
Highland 2: Wee Beasties
One of your lemmings will get a workout on this level. Turn the first
lemmings into a runner, and have him jump onto the ramp just above and
to the right of the entrance. Run up the whole series of ramps, jumping
wherever necessary until you reach the top. When the runner reaches the
right edge of the top of this structure, jump to the right. Turn him around
by jumping into the obstacle (it has a dog on top) to the right. When he
reaches the grass on the left, turn him into a fencer.
Highland 3: Stop Your Ticklin, Jock
Have one lemmings build up to the ledge which is just right of the entrance.
From there, build up and right to the colorful small ledge and watch the
bouncing lemming show. As lemmings start to approach the pit in the upper
left, fill it by turning lemmings into fillers just before the fall in (do
this about 5 times).
Highland 4: A Mere Stone's Throw
Send a scout ahead by turning the second lemming into an attractor. Release
the scout by having him jump one or more times. He'll fall into a pit. While
he's wandering around, turn him into a thrower each time he walks to the
right and is about 1/4 of the way across the pit. The key is to throw from
the same location each time. A stone "bridge" will gradually form. Once it
extends into the pit (about 20 throws), fill enough times to reach the
bridge. (If your scout gets trapped, fill again and he'll climb out). Turn
the attractor into a jumper to release the rest of the crew.
Highland 5: Donald Whar's Your Lemming?
Use the fan to start the chain near the entrance swinging madly. Once it's
at it's maximum speed, jump one lemming from the left over the block and
then onto the chain. Release him when the chain is swinging left (he will
still walk to the right). Using this scout, build up towards the right. If
you run out of builders, switch to platformers until you stretch out over
the right-hand island below. Use a lemming from each group to club bash the
blocks away.
Highland 6: Brigadoom
Most of the work in this level will be done by a scout from the left group.
As soon as he reaches the top of the first rock, jump to the second one.
Before he falls off ledge, make him a hangglider and use the fan to force
him down immediately. He should end up on the far left side of the colorful
ledge just right of the "CLYDE BUILT" sign. Immediately throw a rope to the
gray ledge below and to the left. When the scout has walked as far to the
right as he can on that ledge, laser blast up to release the right-hand
Instead of letting everyone in the exit, turn one into a jumper before he
goes in. He'll jump past - we'll use him to release the left-hand group.
As he nears the gray ledge above and to the left of the exit, turn him into
a ballooner and use the fan to blow him over the ledge. He should fall onto
that ledge when the balloon breaks. Have him throw a rope to the narrow
opening on the left and walk into it. When he's as far left as possible,
turn him into a laser blaster.
Highland 7: In Memory of McAngus
There are three cannons in this level. First, move the right-most cannon
to roughly the middle of its range (this will send some of the lemmings
right to the exit). Next, move the left-most cannon to the middle as well.
As soon as this cannon shoots one lemming, have that lemming drop below and
use him to platform over the gap on the right. Now move the middle cannon
to the far right of it's range. The first lemming fired from this one will
land on a block a little above the exit. After he falls onto a block to the
right, make him a stacker. Keep stacking until he hits his head and turns
Highland 8: The White Heather Club
Move the cannon to about the middle of it's range and let it shoot exactly
1 lemming, the immediately move it to the far right. Let the scout you've
just shot drop onto the ledge with the flower, but turn him into a jumper
before you reach it (it's a trap). The scout will hit a golf ball (?) and
turn around. Jump past the flower again and quickly switch to the fan,
using it to speed up the chain on the left. If all goes well, the chain will
catch the scout as he falls. Release him as the chain is swinging toward the
left so that he falls beyond the golf ball. (If he lands on the golf ball,
you can jump back onto the chain and try again) Jump over the first gap, but
drop into the second. Change the scout into a hopper and let him hop over the
series of small gaps. Do the same as he turns back around to the left.
Platform over the next series of small gaps. Let him walk towards the left,
then bash through the left wall. After the scout turns back to the right,
platform over the gap towards the exit. He'll turn back around and head
left. When he passes under the lowest part of the ledge above him, laser
blast to release the rest of the lemmings. Have any one of the lemmings
bash through the obstacle to the right.
(Note: You'll probably have 2 or 3 lemmings left over playing with the
cannon above. Have them jump or hop past the cannon to reach the exit.)
Highland 9: Taking a Running Jump
When I first started this level, I would always turn my scout into a runner
(because of the level's title). Don't do this! It makes the level much
The first lemming out will be a scout, so make the second an attractor.
Before releasing your scout, turn him into a floater and a mountain climber,
then have him jump a few times to get him started. He'll float all the way
to the bottom of the screen, then climb all the way back to the top. After
he scales the huge wall on the right and starts heading towards the exit,
turn him into an Icarus wings. Use the fan to face him left, force him back
to the ground. Flame-throw through the left wall and immediately platform all
the way to the left. Release the rest of the group by making the attractor
a jumper or a runner.
Highland 10: Eat My Shrapnel!
For what it's worth, this level was (for me) conceptually one of the hardest
in the game. Getting the moves just right also might take a few tries.
We'll have 2 scouts here, so turn the third lemming into an attractor just as
he begins to climb the hill. Release the first lemming by making him a
jumper. Just before this lemming falls off the ledge on the right, make him
a ballooner, and immediately turn him into an exploder. He should destroy a
portion of the wall on the right (it won't go all the way through, but that's
okay for now). Turn your second scout into a mountain climber and release him
by jumping. As he nears the ledge, jump and he'll grab onto the wall and
start climbing. Just as he reaches the damaged part, make him a mortar. This
should blast a hole all the way through the wall, through which he will
climb (after getting knocked out for a second). Let him walk a ways to the
right - he'll climb over most obstacles, but will turn around when he reaches
the tree. When he gets to the water on the left, have him build a platform
(it'll take two tries). Release the rest of the lemmings by turning the
attractor into a jumper.
This solution only saves 59 of the 60 lemmings, but I'm pretty sure it's
what was expected since you get the gold medal, even though one was lost.
You now have the "Highlands" portion of the Talisman!
Medieval 1: Lemming of Nottingham
Use Scoopers to get through the first 2 platforms. Make someone a Jumper to
get across the pit, and make him a Sand Pourer in front of the ledge on the
right. Make 2 more lemmings Jump over the pit and add a load of sand to the
pile. If necessary, make a 4th lemming Jump the pit. When he climbs the sand
pile, go back and make 2 lemmings in the pit Sand Pourers to release them. Go
find the leader and make him a Scooper as he travels to the right.
Medieval 2: Sir! I Kid Ye Not
Make the leader a Twister when he gets in the valley, and use the fan to guide
him down and to the right. Have 2 lemmings made Flame Throwers or Club Bashers
to get through the 2 posts on the right. Make enough lemmings Sand Pourers to
fill the small pit below and to get over the metal block on the left. Finally,
have a lemming Club Bash through the rock obstacle on the right.
Medieval 3: All in a Knight's Work!!
Make the 1st lemming a Stacker the instant he lands, but let him stack only 3
blocks, then make him a Jumper. Make him a Stomper in the small pit to the
left. Make him a Roper at the left end of the platform underneath and have him
set the grappling hook into the platform below. Before he walks off the rope,
make him a Stomper, but far enough down that those who follow will step onto
the platform and not drop into the water. When he gets back to the water tank,
use just one Platformer skill to bridge the gap (it'll just make it). Now go
back up and have someone Platform towards the stacked blocks. Results: all 60
lemmings saved - Gold Medal!
Medieval 4: Watch That Last Step!
Make the 1st lemming a Stacker when he gets to the 1st high point of the green
area of the platform with the ramp at its right end. One lemming will sneak by.
When he travels a little ways, make him a Stacker too. Make the leader a Glue
Pourer to get over the gap to the water tank. When he gets into the water, make
him a Surfer and use the fan to quickly (before he sinks) blow him to the other
side where he will jump out on his own. Just before he gets to the pit down
below, make him a Sand Pourer. When he gets within about a quarter inch of the
left side of the pit, make him a Stacker. When the stack is about even with
the floor above the pit and the lemming is facing LEFT, make him a Sand Pourer.
Make him a Glue Pourer to bridge the gap ahead and a Club Basher to get through
the wall ahead. Go back to the lemming trapped between the 2 stacked walls.
Make him a Stacker right next to the stack on the left (don't leave a gap
between the new and old stack).
Medieval 5: King Arthur's Lemmings
Make the 1st lemming a Bomber before he gets to the 1st tree (approx. 1 1/2
inches from the left wall. You'll probably have to do this several times - so
what else is new? - to establish the correct place). As soon as you see a
lemming walking before the Bomber gets to his feet, make the Walker an
Attractor. Make the Bomber a Club Basher. He must Bash nonstop to the steel
block at the right end of the platform. He'll drop down to the platform below.
When he gets to the right edge, make him a Jumper. When he walks up to the
narrowest point of the rock obstacle, make him a Bomber. When he gets to his
feet, he'll walk left. Make him a Builder twice to reach the lower edge of the
platform (there's almost no room for error here). When he gets back to the
right, make him a Bomber to break through the last portion of rock. Go back
and release the remaining lemmings by changing the Attractor's skill.
Medieval 6: Let's Play Twister!
The lemmings will all enter the pit down on the right. Make the leader a Rock
Climber when he turns to the left. When he gets to the left of the entrance,
make him a Twister, a Slider, and a Runner. Use the fan to guide him to the
left and then straight down. When he slides all the way down, make him Jump to
the platform on the right. When he gets to the right end, make him a Platformer.
When he turns around and runs left, make him a Twister ahead of the opening in
the white platform below. Guide him straight down. At this time you should have
about 2 1/2 minutes left on the timer. Now go up to the pit where everyone else
is and make someone on the far right a Twister. Guide him to the right, then
straight down to the ramp made of large rocks. Make someone else a Twister to
burrow straight down through the center of the ramp.
Medieval 7: Underground
When the leader is within fencing distance of the tall turret on the right, make
someone else an Attractor. Make the leader a Fencer. When he drops down between
the 2nd turret and the tree, make him a Stomper. Stomp down for a ways, then
make him a Fencer again. When he reaches the last turret on the right, make
him a Fencer.
Medieval 8: What Shall We Do Now?
Make the 3rd lemming an Attractor as soon as he lands. Make the 2nd lemming a
Stomper. After he falls into the pit below, pick a lemming at the FAR RIGHT of
the pack under the entrance, and make him a Platformer to seal off the hole in
the platform. Next, make the lemming down below a Stomper as he walks to the
right. Let him walk out from under the platform overhead and make him a
Ballooner. Use the fan to guide him all the way to the top and on to the
platform on the right. When he comes back to the gap on the left, make him
Platform over the gap. Let him walk up the ramp a ways, then make him a Bomber
5 times in succession to blast through the wall. Release the pack and make the
leader a Stomper when he gets over to the brown platform. Make anyone a
Stomper on the next platform below.
Medieval 9: Lemming in Distress!
Make the first lemming a Jumper as soon as he lands. Let the 2nd lemming walk
a few steps then make him an Attractor. Make the lead scout a Jumper twice.
After the 2nd jump, make him an Archer and have him shoot 2 arrows into the
side of the landing platform to create a "bridge" long enough to get beyond the
water underneath. When he gets to the right end of the platform he's on, make
him a Jumper again. When he stands up, make him a Roper and have him set the
grappling hook up to the platform he just left. When he climbs the rope, falls
down off the left side and starts down the long ramp on the left, make him an
Archer 2 times. Have him set 2 arrows (back to back) in the lower left corner
of the platform with the grappling hook in it. Before the exit is a small pile
of rocks with what appears to be a trap on top. It is, but the lemming won't
be able to walk up the rock pile - he will walk past it on the floor. When he
gets to the left edge of the pile of rocks, make him a Builder (unless you like
fire breathing dragons). Release the Attractor.
Medieval 10: Just Jousting Around
Make the 1st lemming a Runner. When he drops into the pit on the right make him
a Roper and have him rope over the pile of rocks in the corner. Go back to the
entrance and make someone a Pole Vaulter - he will vault to the ledge above.
Now make him a floater. While he's floating down, move the catapult over to
the right, but leave a gap on the right about the width of the block with the
pointing arrow in it. As soon as he is shot by the catapult, move the
catapult back to the extreme left. When the lemming lands and is under the pit
where all his friends are walking back and forth, make him a Glue Pourer. When
he gets back to the right end of the platform, make him a Glue Pourer again.
Now wait for all the lemmings to land in the pit, then make someone a Bomber
near the left corner. To get the Runner out AFTER everyone else is gone, make
him a Stacker on the right side of the opening created by the Bomber as he is
running left.
Outdoor 1: Pa-tent-ly Obvious
Use whatever Twister skills are required to burrow a tunnel at an upward slant
to the exit on the right.
Outdoor 2: Swing/Roundabout Theory
Make the lead lemming a Stacker right next to the fence post on the right side.
When he comes back around and below where the lemmings pack is, make him a
Laser Blaster.
Outdoor 3: Glide Like the Wind
(This level could just as aptly been named: Frogs have an insatiable appetite.)
There's a knoll to the right of the entrance. When the lead scout gets to the
top of the knoll make him a Hang Glider. Use the fan to guide him to near the
top of the 1st bare tree where a frog waits hungrily below. When he gets up to
the top make him a Platformer. When the gap is completely bridged, make him a
Jumper twice to get ahead of the those who are following him. When he gets up
to the narrowest part of the hill with another hungry frog on it, make him
a Flame Thrower enough times to get through the hill. Have him Platform across
the gap on the right. Now sit and watch the eyes open and close overhead and
wonder what it might be.
Outdoor 4: Deliverance?
Make the 1st lemming a Kayaker as soon as he gets in the water. Make the 2nd
lemming an Attractor. When the leader gets on the bank on the other side, make
him an Archer and have him shoot an arrow into the opposite bank. Make the
lemming behind the Attractor a Jumper. Make him a Glue Pourer, then make the
Attractor a Glue Pourer.
Outdoor 5: Friday's Walk
Make the 1st lemming a Stacker as soon as he touches down. Make the next
lemming Jump several times to get ahead of the pack. When he gets to the right
end of the landing platform, make him a Roper and set the grappling hook in
the corner where the fence rail joins the fence post. Make him Jump over the
fence post. When he's in a good position, make him rope to the edge of the
tall mushroom high on the right. When he gets on the right side of the small
brown rock in the grass, make him Rope several times in a zigzag pattern,
making sure the last rope goes to the left. Have him Club Bash through the
tree trunk. As he does so, go down quickly and make someone Rope to the top
of the fence post that is blocking the way. Now have the leader Platform across
the final gap.
Outdoor 6: The Magic of Mushrooms
Make the 1st lemming Jump over the 1st small gap, then make him Platform to
the right at the very next gap. Let him fall to the mushroom below, then Rope
right to the next mushroom. When he gets to the right edge of the platform,
make him Rope down to the mushroom below. When he gets to the right edge of
that mushroom, make him Rope down to the left side of the platform, leaving
very little clearance to the left edge of the mushroom on the platform. When
he turns around and walks left, make him a Fencer. After he drops down to
the next platform below, you should be 2 platforms away from the exit. When he
walks down the slope of the platform he is on, make him Rope up to the left
edge of the mushroom above. Next, have him Rope down to the exit. Go back to
where the others are circling. Make someone in the left corner of the pit a
Roper and have him set his grappling hook up to the right side of the gap
Outdoor 7: Natural Selection
Make the 1st 20 lemmings (you have to count them, but can be off by 1 or 2)
Shimmiers when they get under the platform on the right. Make the next 20 or
so lemmings Floaters. Make the last lemmings Jumpers and have them jump to
the fence rail at the bottom of the ramp. Starting with the lemmings above
the right-most exit, set Bombers right next to each fence post. Go to the
middle exit and set Bombers to go off under the left fence rail, but not
too close to the left fence post. Keep setting Bombers off until they break
through to the exit below. Now go to the left exit. As a lemming walks left
over the grape vine, make him a Bazooker. Keep repeating until they break
through the rock pile.
Outdoor 8: The Laws of Tradition
Make the 2nd lemming an Attractor as soon as he touches down. Make the 1st
lemming a Platformer. When he gets down on the green ramp, make him Platform
over to the next ramp and also across the small valley above. When he gets up
high enough make him a Fencer. When he breaks through the wall, make him
Platform over to the next green ramp across the tops of the looping green vines.
When he turns around and starts down the ramp make him Platform to the left. Go
release the rest of the lemmings by making the Attractor a Fencer. When the
leader arrives over the pit with the exit, make him a Stomper over the
mushroom or down on the next platform.
Outdoor 9: 22934
(I don't know what the title means either). Make the 1st lemming a Runner as
soon as he lands. When he gets to the end of the green vine ramp, let him jump
unassisted to land on the green leaf on the right. When he gets up and turns
around, make him a Builder before he falls off. Now quickly make the 2nd
lemming a Parachutist. Make the next 3 or 4 lemmings Jumpers until the bridge
is complete. The Parachutist will complete his fall and walk up a vine hill.
At the top of the hill make him a Builder 3 times. Then make him a Roper and
have him set the grappling hook near the top of the vine above and to the
right. When he walks up to the next level of the vine, make him Build twice to
the right. As soon as he is there have him Bash through the vine. When he next
turns left, make him Build left twice and then twice more to the next level.
Now go back and release everyone else by making someone a Club Basher at the
low end of the ladder (he can bash in either direction.)
Outdoor 10: Garden of Stone
Make the lead scout a Runner. When he gets a little ways to the right of the
entrance, make him a Stomper. When he stomps as far as the brown earth, make
him a Jumper. He will Jump out and go to the left. Make him a Platformer at
the left end of the landing platform. Go back and make someone Fence to the
left before too many lemmings drop in. Make the leader Platform across the
gap on the bottom platform.
Polar 1: Lem Me Out
The first lemming should flame-throw to the left. Let the group walk through
the hole to the left and turn to the right. As on lemming reaches the top of
the second "hump" in the snow, turn him into a mortar. Repeat this with
another lemming and turn the leader into a runner. Just before the runner
falls off the ledge, make him a glue pourer. Have a lemming bazooka through
the wall to the right (it'll take 2 tries) and pour more glue if necessary.
Polar 2: Ice Ice Lemy
Turn the first lemming into a stacker when he's about halfway down the
initial incline. While he's stacking, turn him and the two lemmings which
sneak by into skaters. Fence through the snowman and the tree. As the first
lemming starts climbing the hill to the right, quickly flame-throw a hole
to turn him around. Flame-throw through the next snowman. When the lead
lemming falls off the small incline left of the ice, quickly make him a
laser blaster.
Polar 3: Show More Lems
Have the lead lemming fence through the tree at the bottom of the slope then
turn him into a runner. Move your cursor straight down and find the opening
in the steel blocks. When the runner gets there, rope to this opening (be
ready - he really barrels down that hill!) Rope up to the small gap to the
left. From there rope up and to the right twice, then up and to the left.
Bazooka through the ice on the left (it'll take about three tries.)
Polar 4: Danger Thin Ice!
Turn the first lemming into a skier. He'll eventually start heading towards
a small pit a bit below the entrance. As soon as he falls in, bazooka out
the left side. When he falls to the ledge down and left, turn him into a
stacker. Back at the entrance, make another skier. When this one hits the
wall, he'll turn around and head towards the slippery ice. He should fall
to that level and platform over it. Release the lemmings in the pit above
by turning on into a bazooka. Release any lemmings that fall into the pit
near the ice by filling about 10 times. Have someone bazooka the tree near
the exit.
Polar 5: Take Your Best Shot
As soon as the first lemming drops, rope to the left tree. The group will
walk over it and be trapped by the tree and a rock. Send a scout out by
jumping over the rock. He'll fall two ledges down, then rope to the ledge
just to the left. Rope again over the gap. As the scout reaches the left
end of this passage, bomb twice. Use a bazooka three times to the left and
fill the hole in the floor this made. Scoop down until your hit steel, then
fence up until you're clear of steel. Scoop down again to the exit. Release
the others by fencing through the rock.
Polar 6: Turn Back!
When the third lemming enters the dip in the snow, make him an attractor.
The first should continue walking as a scout. If not, make him jump once
or twice. When the scout gets to the dip at the bottom of the slope, club
bash once, then make him a thrower. He'll turn around and head back up the
hill. When he reaches the level of the round hole in the mountain, club
bash to it, then stomp down above the snowman (your scout should land on
the snowman's head). Platform to the left (it'll take all three
platformers). Release the others by turning the attractor into a jumper.
Polar 7: Slippin' & Slidin'
As soon as the first lemmings reaches the top of the hump to the right of
the entrance, turn him into a stacker. Only one lemming should sneak past.
This lemming will drop down and begin walking down a slope. As soon as he
is level with the ledge on the right, shoot an arrow straight into it. When
the stacker finishes and follows, have him jump to the arrow and quickly
shoot a second one into the left wall, right over the first. He'll continue
to the right and come to a gap. Platform over it and let him turn back to
the left. Before he drops off the ledge, make him jump. When he comes to,
jump twice more to pick up some time (the first lemming is probably on his
way back by now). Platform over the ledge to the exit. If the other scout
shows up before the lower platform is done, make sure he jumps off the top
ledge instead of walking off. Back at the entrance, bomb your stacker's
Polar 8: Snowed In
Note - my solution for this level ends up killing 2 lemmings (they're made
exploders), but you still get the gold medal for the level.
Concentrate on the left entrance first. As soon as the first lemming to drop
touches the snow on the right side of the pit he's in, turn him into an
exploder so he can destroy some of the snow on the left. Go back to the
right entrance and jump a scout out of the pit to the right. Move the cannon
(a little below and left of this entrance) all the way to the right of it's
range. Move down by the exit and wait for the scout. When he shows up and
nears the left gap, platform over it and quickly move back to the left
entrance. Make another exploder at the same location as the first (this
should finish the opening the first one started). Go back to the exit and
have your scout platform over the remaining gap toward the exit. Back at
the right entrance, fence out of the pit to the right. Do the same with the
lemmings in the pit near the cannon.
Polar 9: It's All Up Hill
As soon as the first lemming drops, rope to the ledge on the left. Turn the
leader into a runner and have him build up and to the left to the next
ledge. After the lead lemming gets shot by the cannon, let him turn around,
then build up to the left (twice) when he's about 1/3 of the way down the
ramp. This leads to another steep ramp. Turn one left-walking lemming into
a superlem when he's about halfway up this ramp and fly him up and around
to the left, crashing him into the wide pit. From here, start mining to the
right from the extreme left side of the pit.
(There's no time to spare on this screen. If you have trouble with the
time, try shooting an arrow at the ledge below and to the right of the
cannon to keep the lemmings from walking back to the entrance. If that
doesn't help, try doing the beginning this way: Turn the first lemming into
a runner and build up and to the left. Just before this bridge is finished,
make the second lemming a skier and, if the bridge is in the right place,
he'll ski quickly up the slope. Make him a builder to the next ledge. When
you get to the right of the cannon, throw a rope at the ledge up and to the
right. The rest is the same, but this beginning is much more difficult
than the other one.)
Polar 10: Stay Frosty!
As soon as the lead lemming passes over the steel block in the hill, turn
him into a twister and, using the fan, dig down just enough to contain all
the other lemmings (one will escape and be our scout). When the scout passes
the steel in the hill, turn him into a twister and use the fan to blow him
straight down into the passage, then right, then down again, taking care not
to hit the steel blocks. Before breaking through the bottom, dig diagonally
down and to the right so the scout will land on the ledge. Let him fall to
the next one on the right and turn him into a glue pourer. After passing
the peak of the next ledge, pour glue 3 more times. Go back to the first
twister and blow him out of the hill straight to the right.
Yet another piece of the talisman is yours!
Shadow 1: Land of Oz
In Shadow World, the blocks marked by exclamation points are traps, but they
can be handled pretty easily by just pouring glue or filling over them.
Have the lead lemmings flame throw several times beneath the first set of
traps and through the letters "OZY." When the lemmings fall into the first
pit, have one jump out. As he approaches the second set of traps, turn him
into a filler. Use fillers on the second and third pits as well.
Shadow 2: Nitram, the Huge
There are two ways to complete this level - an obvious way and a less obvious
way. This description gives the less obvious one because it saves all the
lemmings, while the other does not. When going through the floors, make sure
to zig zag so you don't splat falling lemmings.
Dig through the first floor, stomp through the second, and bomb through the
third, but don't use an exploder on the fourth. Instead, make a twister and
blow him part way through the right wall using the fan. Then blow him all
the way down to the steel and break out to the left. Bash through the wall on
the right and let the lemmings climb the stairs. Fence through the roof of
the house on the left.
Shadow 3: Twin Bleeps
The two sides in this level are identical. Do everything mentioned here for
the right side, as well as the left.
On the left side, flame throw through the wall and use a filler to fill the
small pit. Use ropers to climb out of the next pit and to climb to the top of
the steel block. Fill the last pit and repeat these actions on the opposite
Shadow 4: The Pancake Factory
Make a scout of the first lemming by jetpacking him up to the ledge on the
left. When he lands, pour glue into the small pit. Let him fall off the ledge
and turn back to the right. Have him bash through the first wall on the
right and pour glue over the traps, but don't bash through the second wall.
After turning around, bash through the left block. He'll climb up to the
top and approach a gap in the floor. Just before reaching this gap, pour
glue into it (this glue will also fill the second gap). Pour glue once more
to cover the rest of the traps and the last pit. Release the other lemmings
by having one bash through the wall on the group's left.
Shadow 5: Swingadingading
Use the fan to make the chain swing as high as possible and quickly make
the next lemming to drop into a rock climber. Have him jump when the chain
is swinging to the left and release him when he is over the right-hand
bricks. When he reaches the bottom of the screen, bash left and platform over
the water (it'll take two tries). Laser blast up to release the rest of the
Shadow 6: The School Gate
As the lead lemming nears the trap below the entrance, turn him into a
filler. The group will drop down a hole and walk to the right. Throw a rope
up to the steel block on the right. From that block, throw another rope to
the house above and have a lemming fence through the house. Move the cannon
about 1/4 of the way to the right of its range so that it shoots the lemmings
onto the stairs. Just before the first lemming up gets to the small pit,
make him a filler. Platform across the gap.
Shadow 7: Fritbatter Folics!
Turn the first lemming into a rock climber and a swimmer. He'll climb up the
wall to the right. Jump him over the gap, and let him continue to the right
until he turns around. Turn him into a scooper as soon as he gets above the
vertical stack of steel blocks. The hole he makes should reach the level of
the others and let them up. Turn one into a digger at the far right.
Shadow 8: Goosen's Inferno!
Turn the third lemming into an attractor. A scout should continue forward.
Have him bash through the pipe on the right. As he walks down the incline on
the right, turn him into a platformer while still 2 blocks above the steel.
Fence through the house, fill the hole, and bash through the tree. He'll
drop to the bottom and walk left. Turn him into a filler to cover the traps,
then bash left through all four brick walls and fill the last hole. Right
above, you'll see 2 cannons. Move the left one to the far right of its
range. Platform over the gap at the top of the stairs. Release the rest by
turning your attractor into a filler.
Note that you may find yourself running short of time here. To make things
go more quickly, try this: Just as your group of lemmings is about to reach
each of the cannons, turn one into a ballooner. He should hit the roof and
fall back down just in time to use the now-empty cannon. This minimizes the
amount of time the cannons aren't being used and saves a lot of time.
Shadow 9: Spinny Thang...
This "spinny thang" in the title is a twister. As the lead lemming nears the
steel wall to the right, make him a twister and dig (using the fan) down
and right around the steel. Dig as far up and to the right diagonally as
you can, then laser blast away 3 or 4 segments side-by-side above. Rope up
and to the left to get everyone out, then rope to the next hole up to the
Shadow 10: Moonswings
Turn the second lemming into an attractor and make the first a super lem. Fly
the superlem right to about midway between the last two traps and force him
down. He should continue to walk right towards the last trap. Turn him into
a planter just before he reaches it. He should turn around and walk back
towards the second trap. Turn him into a builder before he reaches it. (Make
sure to start him building far enough back so that he'll hit the ceiling
and turn around before falling back under the attractor's influence). He'll
turn back around. As he nears the water, start building. When he's finished,
pour glue. Pour glue again, but don't follow it all the way out. Instead,
when he walks above the short ledge below the glue, turn him into a stomper.
He'll drop down, hit the wall, and turn around again. Build to the left from
here, let the scout fall, and build over the last gap. Turn one of the other
lemmings (but not your attractor) into a glue pourer to cover the remaining
traps and release everyone by jumping the attractor.
You now have the "Shadow Land" piece of the talisman!
Space 1: Hit the Space Bar
Let the leader zigzag down the ramp to the platform below and to the right of
the AirLock sign. Delay any lead lemming behind him by making them Jumpers so
they will hit their heads on projections above them, becoming stunned for a
bit. Make the lead scout Platform to the left to close off the pit below. One
or two lemmings may still fall in. If so, make them Fillers while waiting for
all the rest to finish using the platform over their head(s). When everyone
has gone by, make one of the lemmings in the pit fire a mortar from the far
left to make an opening in the platform overhead. Then as each lemming walks
right, make him a Superlem and guide him to where he will be stopped over the
platform above.
Space 2: Perpetual Motion
To the right of the entrance is a ramp leading up to 2 small pits. Make the
first lemming Jump out of the first pit to the 2nd pit. Make him a Filler in
the 2nd pit. Make him a Platformer when he is about a 3rd of the way down the
ramp. Next, make him a Jumper to jump on the small platform held up by 2
steel legs. Then make him a Platformer over the gap to the right. Make him an
Exploder as he is laying the last two platform planks. Now go back and have
anyone Jump across the pit where everyone is trapped. Have him Jump onto the
platform with legs, then Jump across the opening created by the Exploder.
When he turns to the left, let him drop down and walk along until he gets to
the gap ahead of the exit. Make him a Platformer to bridge the gap. As soon
as he is finished, make someone trapped in the pit overhead, a Filler. If
everyone walks out to the right instead of the left, use 2 more Fillers, one
in each pit so everyone can get out to the left.
Space 3: The Lemmings Have Landed
Let the lead scout walk to the left end of the landing pit. As soon as he
turns to the right, make him a Stomper. When he is about 2/3 of the way
through the pipe network underneath, make him a Fencer. Now go back up to the
entrance, make a Rock Climber out of any lemming who is starting to fall from
the entrance. Also make him a Slider. Just before he falls off the end of the
landing platform, make him a Jumper. He should land on a ledge attached to a
stack of metal blocks. After he climbs to the top and is on the right edge of
the stack of blocks, make him a Jumper again to land on the next ledge. Let
him climb this stack too and then make him a Jumper once again to land on the
next ledge. When he starts climbing this 3rd stack of metal blocks, make him
a Runner. Let him Slide down the right side, then Jump across the gap below.
When he gets to the pit clear on the lower right, make him Jump over to the
column with the Airlock sign on it. He will climb up and start running along
a long platform. Just before he gets to the end, make him a Shimmier. When he
ends his Shimmying and drops down, make him a Platformer. When he gets to the
red bricks ahead, make him a Fencer. Next, go over to where the lemmings are
all walking back and forth in a tunnel. There is a place between 2 metal
blocks where a Stomper can stomp through. When the stomping is complete, have
someone Fence to the right. (If you prefer, this last bit of Stomping and
Fencing can be done before sending the Rock Climber/Slider on his journey).
You should have well over a minute left (and a Gold Medal) when all lemmings
pass through the exit.
Space 4: The Vortex
When the 1st lemming lands and walks up to the high point to the right of the
entrance, make him Rope to the right. Then have someone Rope to the top of
the pedestal on the left. Make the leader Club Bash through the obstacle
ahead, then again through the wall ahead. As soon as anyone drops down, make
another lemming an Attractor before he drops down. Now Club Bash through the
wall on the left. Make someone a Platformer before he drops down. Stop the
Platformer when he is over the ledge below, but before he gets to the wall,
by making him a Filler. There are 6 pyramids below. Club Bash through 2 of
them and Mortar through 4 others. At the far right, make someone a Stomper to
get to the exit. Go back and make the Attractor a Spearer. Go to the landing
area and have a lemming in the pit Rope to the rope above so he can get out.
Space 5: The Stainless Steel Lemm
Make the 1st lemming a Stacker just to the right of the entrance. Make the
2nd lemming a Jumper as as he lands, then make him rope to the top of the
pedestal on the right. Another lemming will be right behind him. Make one of
them a Slider and make the other one Rope to the platform on the right. When
the slider walks left to the other side of the pedestal he slid down, make
him a Ballooner. Use the fan to blow him onto the first platform on the left.
Next, make him a Roper after he turns back to the right, but just before he
walks down the slanted ramp. Have him rope to a point just across from or
slightly lower than the bottom of the next platform up. When he walks up the
rope and back down, make him a Bomber at the base of the rope. Do the same at
the base of the rope above which is anchored to the landing platform. Release
the rest of the lemmings by making someone a Bomber at the base of the stack.
Space 6: Lunar Olympics
Make the first Lemming a Runner as soon as he starts to drop from the
entrance. Then as he runs to the right, make him a Jumper. He should end up
across the gap. Make him Polevault over the obstacle to the right. Make him a
Shimmier to cross the large gap to the next platform. Make him a Hopper to
get across the stepping stones. When he gets to the bottom platform, make him
a Climber. After he crosses the rough terrain and gets over to a smooth
surface, make him a Spearer and have him set his spear as low as he can in
the single brown block above the exit. Now make a lemming in the landing pit
a Filler. All the lemmings will drop down to the spear and walk off the end
to the floor below. If they don't survive the fall, you will have to set the
spear lower next time. (I managed to set the spear in the extreme lower right
corner of the block, so I don't really know how low it has to be before the
lemmings will survive the fall).
Space 7: Gosh, It's Full of Lemms
Make the 1st lemming a Stacker the instant he touches down. Make the 2nd
lemming a Jumper so he lands at the left end of the pedestal on the right.
Make him a Jumper again immediately. He should land on the ramp of the 2nd
platform down and on the right. Make him a Platformer at the right end of
this platform. When he turns around and walks back to the left end, make him
a Platformer again at point where his platform will just barely clear the
underside of the pedestal on the left. When he drops down and walks left,
have him Platform over to the wall. After he turns around and walks up the
ramp ahead of the exit, make him a Stomper before he gets to the top of the
ramp. Now go back to the landing area, make someone in the CENTER of the pack
a Platformer, then make someone a Filler.
Space 8: Odyssey
Note: This level has 4 pairs of tele-transporters and every one of them will
be used. The level will use every skill available, is quite difficult to
execute, and time can expire before you're done if you're not very careful!
First, ignore the right entrance and let the lemmings on that side proceed
unhindered. Make the lead lemming out of the left entrance a Slider. When he
gets under the platform over the right side of the landing area, make him a
Stacker. The 2nd lemming will get by him and become the lead scout. The
leader will go through a tele-transporter and drop into a pit underneath the
right landing platform. When he is in the pit and walking to his right, make
him a Stomper. Now wait for the 2nd lemming to arrive in the pit. While
waiting you can use the fan to start the chain swinging down below. Since the
2nd lemming is a Slider, he will go to the left out of the pit. Ultimately
you must catch him fairly low on the swinging chain. If he misses, you'll
have to begin again.
As soon as he is safely on the chain, leave him there and go quickly to make
the lead scout a Rock Climber as he is walking right. He will come to 2
places in the "maze" where he must jump up in order to continue thru the
maze. Eventually he will enter another transporter which will transport him
up underneath the 1st transporter he used. When he gets to the bottom of the
ramp ahead, make him a Laser Blaster to release the lemmings overhead. The
instant he starts blasting, pause the game and move down to the lemming still
hanging on the chain.
Use the fan to swing the chain as hard as it can go and release the lemming
at a point where he will land on the sloped ledge above the platform on the
left. Since he is a Slider, he will drop down and walk to the left down a
short ramp. Make him a Stacker about half way down the ramp. (If he turns
back to the right after stacking, you'll have to start over and adjust the
stack starting point slightly the next time). If he keeps going left, make
him a Laser Blaster to release the lemmings trapped overhead (they came from
the right entrance). Everyone will now be tele-transported to the platform
above the left landing area and proceed directly to the exit except for the
The Slider, identified by a green shirt, will drop down from the landing
platform with everyone else, but will walk to the RIGHT instead of the left.
When he comes back to the left, make him a Jumper or Shimmier (whichever
skill is remaining) and have him jump over the gap so he will be going in the
correct direction after he slides down. You should have about 8 seconds
remaining and a Gold Medal when he goes through the exit. (Pant, pant, pant!)
Space 9: Inside the Steel Box
Here we go again with lots of tele-transporters. Make the lead scout a
Stacker when he gets to the extreme right of the landing platform. Leave no
space between the stack and the pedestal on the right. When he finishes
stacking and walks off the pedestal, make him a Roper and have him rope to
the next ramp above and to the right (watch out for the trap below). Make him
a Roper again and have him rope to the next ramp up. Now make him a Runner.
He will be tele-transported to the transporter directly above the one he left
(high overhead). Do nothing now until he turns to the right. When he gets
back to the right edge of the platform he landed on, make him a Platformer
twice to get beyond the machine gunner below. When he runs up the ramp on the
right and turns around, make him Build to the ramp on the left. When he next
turns to the right and starts back down the ramp, make him build to the tele-
transporters on the platform to his right. Now go down to the landing
platform and make some lemming a Roper and have him rope to the top of the
stack at the right end of the platform.
Space 10: Frontier of Surreality
There are a pair of tele-transporters in this level which you won't want to
Make the first lemming a Jumper as soon as he lands. Make him a Jumper a 2nd
time from the small block in the landing pit to get him out of the pit. Now
make him a Runner and then make him Jump left twice to get up on the platform
below the landing pit. As soon as he is going to the right again, make him a
Rock Climber. Let him jump on his own (no assistance, please) off the end of
the platform. After his little jump to the platform below, make him Jump up
to the right where he will do some running and climbing. When he finally
turns left again he will reclimb a narrow blue pedestal. When he gets over it
and starts to run again, make him jump over to the wall ahead of him where he
will begin to climb up to the exit. When he gets up to the top, he will jump
by himself (unassisted again) and land beyond the exit where he will lie
stunned for a couple of seconds. The instant he stands up, make him a Glue
Pourer to create a bridge from where he is standing over to the entrance.
To release everyone from the pit move your cursor to the far left edge of the
pit and make someone fire a Bazooka to the left (hopefully). The reaction
from the Bazooka firing will virtually empty the pit by tossing lemmings out
to the glue bridge. (If the Bazooka shot goes to the right and blows a hole
in the bridge, you will have to begin again). Some lemmings will end up on
the right side of the block in the middle of the pit. Make someone a Club
Basher to destroy the block. Now use a series of Bazooka skills at the left
edge of the pit (firing to the left) until everyone is out. (Shouldn't take
more than 4 or 5 shots). Results: Gold Medal.
NOTE: If this is your first look at the SPORTS World, the exit is a golf green
with a flag in the cup. This first level is very cleverly designed and is fun
to watch. You will lose a few lemmings but still get a gold medal. This entire
set of levels is a bit more challenging than most levels in The Tribes (in my
Sports 1: Ceci N'est Pas Une Pipe
The lemmings will start by being transported by 2 trampolines and a jet of
steam. Make the leader a Flame Thrower and have him burn a hole through the
pipe on his right. The next time the lemmings land, immediately make someone
a Bomber. Now watch the action. (The lemmings who are lost are caused when too
many lemmings hit the trampoline below at the same time and overload it. I
lost three). The lemmings will finally end up on a platform under a red
feathered dart stuck into a red checkered block. The first one to reach the
pipe on the left should burn through it and the next one to the left as well.
Then they're home free with a gold medal.
Sports 2: School Sports Day
Make the lead lemming a Scooper to the right of the entrance. As soon as the
lemmings begin to walk down the ramp underneath, make 2 of them Fillers to fill
the pit below. Make someone a Flame Thrower to burn a hole through the wall on
the right. Now use 3 Filler skills to fill the pit on the right side of the
wall. As soon as someone walks up on the ledge on the right side of the pit,
make him a Roper and have him set the grappling hook high up on the left side
wall. When someone gets up to the ramp on the left side, have them Rope up to
the ramp ahead of the exit flag. To release the lemmings trapped in the pit in
the lower left corner, the easiest way is to make someone a Twister and guide
him through to the right. If he fails to get all the way through, finish the
job with Flame Throwers.
Sports 3: The Octathalon!
When the leader gets to the tennis racket, make the next lemming an Attractor.
Free the leader if necessary by making him a Jumper. When he drops off the
landing platform, make him Platform once to the right. He will turn back to the
left at the pool table. When he drops into the pit make him a Filler 3 times to
get out of it. When he walks to the right, let him walk down to the next
platform and have him Platform to cover the hole in the floor ahead of the pipe.
Now leave him alone until he gets to the ledge above the red feathered dart.
Make him Platform once from the ledge. Go back and release the other Lemmings.
The lemmings will follow a very lengthy route to the exit. Make the leader
jump over the hole in the top rope, then over the red knob. Now make him a
Runner and leave him alone until he gets to the gap above the green checkered
block. Make him Platform across the gap. The next time he will need your help
is when he gets to the right side of the water tank below. When he arrives have
him Rope up to the green checkered block. When he gets to the left edge of the
block have him Rope down to the steel block. Now go back and release the other
lemmings by making someone a Fencer to cut through the small block ahead of the
tennis racket.
Sports 5: Blow Back...
Make the 1st lemming a Stomper to get through the pipe below the entrance. The
jet of steam will boost everyone up to a platform to the right of the entrance.
At this time you may want to speed up the game until the last lemming has
gotten on the platform, then quickly slow the action to normal speed. You will
now have about 4 chances to get one of the lemmings on the platform to Jump the
gap over to the trampoline and hence boosted up to the top where he will use
a small red valve to shut off the steam jet used at the beginning. (No, there
is no "shutoff steam jet skill" - for once a lemming doesn't have to be told
what to do). Now make someone a Stomper in the middle of the platform where all
the lemmings are waiting. The first one who walks to the left and drops into a
pit created by the course of the steam pipes should be made a Filler. When a
lemming goes far enough left, have him Stomp down to land on the pipe ahead of
the steam jet. This will kick everyone upstairs from where they can walk to the
Sports 6: Double Trouble
When the 1st lemming walks to the left end of the landing platform, but before
starting down the ramp, make him Rope to the upper left corner. One lemming will
get by. Make him a Rock Climber, then make him a Fencer to get into the long
vertical shaft on the left. As soon as the opening is created, make him a
Jumper before he can carve any material on the left side side of the shaft. When
he climbs up the shaft and turns back to the right, you can either make him a
Platformer or a Jumper to get across. He will then climb up on the right side
and get on the platform on the right. When he turns back to the left, make him
Platform across to the ramp leading to the exit. Before he gets to the exit,
make him a SuperLem and guide him to the bottom of the ramp on the right. The
instant he lands, make him an Exploder before he can get up. He should explode
in time to create an opening over the lemmings trapped below. When they come out
make someone a Fencer through the obstacle. Result: Gold medal.
Sports 7: The Sun Sign Selection
Have the lead lemming Jump over the little green block, then on to the
metal block and over to the trampoline from where he will be propelled over to
the ropes strung between 2 red poles. Have him Jump the break in the top rope,
then over the red post on the right. When he goes up the ramp and arrives at
the gap, make him a Shimmier. When he gets to the other side make him a Pole
Vaulter. He must land on the metal block ahead of the trampoline. Make him Jump
on the trampoline and fall down the shaft on the right. Have him Jump over the
golf ball, then make him a Shimmier again. While waiting you can use the fan
to get the chain going. Have him Jump across the tennis ball and onto the
chain (no small feat - you just have to be lucky). Get the chain going again
and drop him on the left side. Let him walk to the left (don't use the
trampolines). Have him Jump over the small gap in the red checkered block and
when he enters the water make him a Kayaker (this guy is having so much fun
it's a shame he'll not be able to go on with his friends - sigh.) After he gets
out of the Kayak and walks to the wall and turns around, make him a ballooner.
Guide his balloon up over the top platform with the slot in the bottom. Have
him Platform over the gap on the right and bid him farewell, good show, chin up
and all that. Now back to the landing platform. Select someone in a group of
lemmings moving to the right and make him a Magno Booter (ta da!). When he gets
below the landing platform make him a Laser Blaster and have him blast through
to the left of the green block above.
Sports 8: Run the Risk
Make the lead lemming a Pole Vaulter and have him land on the "U" shaped pipe
on the right. When he drops down and heads left make him Platform across the
large gap. When he gets to the ramp with the green checkered block under it,
make him Platform once to the wall on the left. When he turns left, make him
an Archer and have him set two arrows back to back just under the edge of
the ramp on the right. (Have him delay the second arrow so it will slant down
some). When he walks to the right again, make him Build ONCE up to the tail of
the 2nd arrow. When he walks across the large gap again to the other side, make
him a Stomper and have him Stomp down as far as the 1st green line in the
stonework on his right. When he gets to that line, make him a Fencer. When he
completes fencing, make him a Builder twice. Make him Build across the next
two gaps. Just before he drops down to the exit flag, make him a Stomper. When
he's about half way down, make him a SuperLem, but DON'T MOVE YOUR CURSOR
anywhere. Now go back to the landing platform and have someone Stomp through
the green block just to the left of the metal portion of the platform.
Sports 9: The Nervous Network!
Make the 1st scout Jump out of the pit and make him a Glue Pourer to get across
the water. As he is walking across the "glue" bridge make him a Slider. When he
gets to the other side, make him a Bomber. When he turns around to the left
make him a Rock Climber. (You can speed up the game now if you wish). When he
has climbed almost to the top of the wall on the right, reduce speed, select a
Shimmier skill and make him one when he finishes climbing. (Speed up the game
once more if you want). Just before he gets to the wall on the left, reduce
speed again if necessary, select a Jumper skill and make him one as soon
as he turns to the right. He will climb the green checkered block and slide
down into a "U" shaped pipe. When he is walking left, make him a Bomber. When
he gets to his feet, make him a Scooper. He will now make his way down to a
pipe with a red ball below and a green checkered block holding things together.
When he is on the checkered block make him Jump to the right. When he turns
around and gets back to the 90 degree pipe elbow, make him a Bomber. When he
gets to the floor below (you may have to make him a Jumper to get him down
there, depending on where he lands after the explosion), select a spot where
he can be made a Roper and turn back to set the grappling hook through the
opening in the pipe up to the top of the inverted triangle platform above the
checkered block. As soon as he shoots the rope make him a Roper again and make
him rope to a part of the platform above and to the right that only a climber
will be able to reach after walking up the rope.
Now go to the landing pit and make someone a Roper and have him rope to the
block on the right side of the pit. When the lemmings start to walk out of the
pit, make one of the leaders a Jumper twice to get him out in front of the pack.
When he gets on the green inverted triangle shaped platform, make him a Glue
Pourer. Now go over to the wall on the far right and check on the progress of
the climber and wait for him to reach the top again. When he does, make him a
Shimmier. Immediately pause the game and go back to the lemming pack; they
should be turning around at the wall on the left. (If you missed them all,
you'll have to wait for them to return). Make someone a Roper at the wall and
wait for all the lemmings to leave him before having him rope to the top of
the platform on the right. When he gets to the platform with the scooped out
hole above his head, make him a Roper at the wall on the left and have him
rope to the bottom of the scooped out opening. When he gets to the gap on the
next platform up, make him a Glue Pourer.
Sports 10: Take Up Archery
(Or take lessons from Robin Hood!!)
This level is, in my opinion, an extremely difficult level to execute as it
requires very quick reaction times. Slowing your system in some manner may
help a little, but that's not a guarantee. Because of the speed of the runner
and the rather short distances involved, time is not a consideration.
Since there is no way to stall the lemmings, the leader will have to stay
ahead of them. As the lead scout drops from the entrance, make him a Runner and
make him Jump twice to get a lead on those who follow. Then Jump off the landing
platform. At the instant he stands up, make him an Archer and
have him put 2 arrows back to back (2nd arrow in the tail of the first) low on
the opposite wall. Then make him Jump over onto the arrows to turn him around.
(At this time he will jump on his own off the arrows and land stunned for a
moment before proceeding).
Next, have him jump the next gap and turn around and put 2 arrows (back to back
again) at the apex of the previous ledge on the left of the gap so those who
follow can cross over safely.
Repeat the procedure for the next gap, only you may need 3 arrows here.
When he gets even farther to the right and finds himself under a wide vertical
shaft, have him shoot an arrow almost straight up and slightly to the right so
the arrow will fall to his right and turn him around to the left. Immediately
make him a Roper and have him set the grappling hook into the platform ramp on
the left. Make him use 2 arrows to close the gap at the far left end of the
platform. At this point the pressure is off. Make the leader a Roper and have
him rope up to the left side of the exit platform.
Note: Keep rope lengths to a minimum as they do not appear to stretch as far
as in some other levels (which is probably to keep the leader from setting a
rope in the right side of the exit platform).