news bulletin
eBay Watch
Posted: 26th October 1999 - 18.26 WST
On the Main Page, you've probably noticed the eBay Watch service going for the last couple of weeks. This news bulletin is designed to give you a little bit of information on this new feature.

What is eBay Watch?
People regularly auction Lemmings items on eBay. Many items regularly appear. eBay Watch is a list of reasonably rare Lemmings items currently available on eBay. This is designed to assist people who are looking for rarer Lemmings items. In other words, eBay Watch conveniently brings you the "cream of the crop".

Can you list my Lemmings auction?
Sorry, the choice of which auctions appear is ENTIRELY up to me. I will not accept any requests for listing.

How does the list automatically update?
Via a SSI tag.

How often is the list updated?
When I have time. :) Daily, if possible. Usually every few days.

How does this service relate to eBay itself?
This service is not run nor approved by eBay. I'm just a loyal eBay fan linking to some good Lemmings auctions.

Hopefully that should answer all questions you might have. If you need to know something else, please contact me.

